To buy or not to by


New member
Okay looking to buy a 2009 skidoo 800r renegade with 5700 miles all of the updates were done rebuilt clutch new reeds re jetted new skis racing seat but I'm told i need to worry about some seals that are lubricated only by grease from the factory and if they dry out the engines cooked somebody tell me buy it or not oh ya it's $5000


Well-known member
run away time bomb ready to blow.
it is a 800 doo only a matter of time till those sealed crank bearing dry out and you have a rod slicing a gash through the case.
yeah yeah so and so has a 800doo with 7k on it . so and so are not the norm.there is a reason doo short block program is so popular.


Well-known member
X2 with ezra on this one as we both have purple hearts with the doo 800 frozen crank & the ever popular 800 short block program. Take that $5000 & add another $2K for short block or better yet buy it for $3K. Matter of when not if.


New member
X3, we were riding a few weeks ago and my friends 2008 800 was smoking like a freight train from burning anti freeze. The head was pulled and new o-rings were put in but it didn't stop, so now the engine comes out and gets a full rebuild.


Well-known member
You were lucky frozen cranks are running fine then sudden death no limbing home dead on the spot order your short balck from the


New member
Thanx guys that's what I thought I think I'm going with a 2009 four tec I think that sled has really good reviews any thoughts on that


Well-known member
Thanx guys that's what I thought I think I'm going with a 2009 four tec I think that sled has really good reviews any thoughts on that

I'd like to hear some thoughts on the 4tek as well. Likes or dislikes.... Any firsthand reviews ?? Thanks

I asked that question over on DooTalk a couple months ago. Here's a link to the thread if you're interested in reading the responses (not to say you won't get responses here, this is just some more reading material for you).
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New member
Good info there russholio...lots of good points covered there. I am sort of in the same boat. I am thinking of upgrading the wife to a 4 stroke but not sure if she would like a Vector or Nytro better and a lot of info has been pushing me towards a doo 4 hole. She loves the power of my Attak but does not like the "heavy" feel. And I am leary that a Vector will not be fast enough for her. And a Nytro just doesn't seem warm enough...and that leads me back to doo's.


Super Moderator
Staff member
"a lot of info has been pushing me towards a doo 4 hole."

The 4 tec is a three cylinder engine. It's very smooth and very quiet with lots and lots of torque. There's no crankcase, instead the engine oil sits in an Oil Resevoir which allows them to mount the engine even lower. It's a wider engine and requires the XR Chasis to allow for added girth. There's no recoil on this engine and reverse is mechanical. (4 Strokes don't run backwards like a 2 Stroke will) The Engine Oil is synthetic and with a filter change runs about $45 a year. The Oil and Filter change take about 30 minutes and are easy to do. This is a Fuel Injected engine and aside from the oil and filter change, is pretty much maintenance free, I've had zero issues with mine. The mileage runs around 15 miles per gallon with a 10.6 gallon tank.


New member
Yea I knew that just slipped my mind..guess i should have said 4 Haven' t got a chance yet to ride a doo yet for any extended amount of time. Kinda hard tryin to convert the wife. She just loves her blizzard, and all my buddys tease her about that big ol sled and why dont she ride a 5 or 600 like all the " other" women.....well at least until they catch up with her at the next stop.