To polish or not to polish?


New member
Thinking of polishing my Al tunnel on both sleds. Any comments on the best product to use? How long will it normally take to do a decent job and how difficult is it to do properly? What about the maintenance to keep it nice? Any help would be appreciated.


Staff member
Polish baby, polish!

Just kidding. I think the last time this topic popped up we had a good old fashioned blow out of opinions. I can say that I have polished my tunnel. I used mothers with one of their foam speed balls. It took me about 90 minutes to do the entire tunnel, including the running boards, which were a PITA because they are the cutout ones on the AC mountain sleds. I did most of the running boards by hand and also had to do some spots the speedrball did not reach.

It looks great for as long as you don't use the sled and then will start to get scuffed up a bit and re-oxidize when exposed to the elements. The nice thing is once you get it all polished up once, it is way easier to do again. I typically re-do mine at the start of every season.

So I'd say if you like the look, go for it. It is really not that much work, but also be careful not to get any on the plastic parts, as it can be a bit of a bugger to get off. I now mask off areas I do not want to get hit with the polish.

For those that do not want to trouble themselves, that's great too!



New member
No doubt polished looks best when clean
That being said, you basically have to repolish
every trip. It's alot of work to maintain.
Mine came polished and if I had to chose
I'd go with the other option and paint it.
If you like to clean your sled slot polish that
Bad boy


Well-known member
I always do mine I use pontoon cleaner to wash it 1st. then I use wizards in the little band aid box looks like pink good I just do like 6 in at a time.
I like to do allot of under hood stuff to just kinda my zen time few parts a night waiting for snow.either that of go in the house and chat with the wife about her life .hmmm wounder how that clutch would look all shined up


New member
Sledbrite products work great Get the aluminum cleaner and the polish, I think they sell it as a kit. If you get lazy and don't feel like polishing, the aluminum cleaner cleans it up nice with little work, I sometimes just use the aluminum cleaner without polishing because it gives it a nice clean look but if you want to add the shine you will want to polich afterward.


Mothers polish works very well. It's a dirty job - get some plastic gloves or you'll be using comet on your hands when you're finished.
It takes a good 1.5 hrs to do a good job, and what makes it a PITA is the little cutout, roughed up holes on the running boards. They are good for at least one or two cut knuckles per application. I do mine once when it's new, and once when I sell. Too much work to keep up with. But then again, I park in a garage every night and don't leave my sleds sit out in the elements - no matter how tired I am after a days ride.