Todays Journal: Corn Stalks and Skewered Apples


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Todays Journal: Corn Stalks and Skewered Apples, August 8, 2021: 1. A belated Happy 12th Birthday to Grace! (Twelve years already?!) Growing UP in da UP: Absolutely priceless! — I know just a little bit about that, having spent nearly every summer vacation from elementary school through high school at the grandparents' dairy farm in Bruce Crossing -- rather than hanging in da 'hood in Detroit. It certainly wasn't a free ride, as I had plenty of farm chores to do, from fetching the cows from the 'back 40' for morning milking to mucking out the barn gutters, participating in haymaking and grain harvesting, the whole deal. But I wouldn't have given that experience up for anything. — 2. The practice burn for the fire department:
"Exhaustion was the only casualty among some of the fire fighters …"
You can't imagine what fire fighting is like in Phoenix — in ambient temperatures of 110-119°F or more, and that's without the fire! It takes many more firefighters, who spend as little as 20-30 minutes in the fray, then have to cycle out for a cool-down break. Then there are the "hot shots" fighting the many wildfires in the west.
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