Hey Kris, did you get 2 numbers mixed up? Togwotee Lodge direct is 307-543-2847. Talk to Derek. The last four you wrote were my cell last four. LOL.. About the rates, the rates posted are basic high end rates to get an early feel for the winter. They include no discounts or specials. These will come later. Derek did some quick math and came up with around $160 a nite per person in a lodge room. For those of you still confused, a package rate is an all inclusive rate. This means: room,breakfast,happy hour, dinner, guide. Always been that way. If you guys have questions dump them on here for me. I can always find the right answer. Ain't that right Paul.... You can piece together a " cabin only rate " to pick and choose, but you will find it's not a deal. You come to ride the snow and thats where the guide comes in. Just ask this forum about the guides process. In a piece together rate the guide add on is $60 per person plus tip and that $60 is a big one when you compare to a package rate deal. So, hope this helps, and if not, ask away...