Togwotee with 128" twin spar cats?

Really interested in going this year but curious if we can still have fun with our sleds. Is there lots of trails? Will we be able to play a little in powder etc? Is there a better option somewhere out west? Please help.


New member
You can have fun for sure! You may have to work a little more than your mountain sled brothers, but short tracks can hang at Tog. Plenty of trails to take your around to different meadows and play areas. If you get the itch to try a mountain sled they have plenty of late models Pros and M's to fit the bill. Great Place to stay and super nice staff!


Well-known member
You can have fun for sure! You may have to work a little more than your mountain sled brothers, but short tracks can hang at Tog. Plenty of trails to take your around to different meadows and play areas. If you get the itch to try a mountain sled they have plenty of late models Pros and M's to fit the bill. Great Place to stay and super nice staff!

What he said...


New member
I'd say save a ton of gas money and drive a sedan or something that gets much better mileage and use that towards renting real mountain sleds. The difference is HUGE....


Well-known member
the question is why go west if all you are planing is trail riding? keep the cats at home fly out rent sleds fly home home done deal no 15 hr truck rides no re clutching just fun stress free 3 or 4 day fun trip.then
if you really are in to it dump the trail queens and buy some boondockers and then make those 14 to 18 hr drives 2 or 4 times a yr.