Tool Truck sales questions


New member
Just wondering if anyone on the board here does this type of job or has done this type of job in the past or know of someone who does. If so what do you feel are the pros & cons of doing this job? What are some things that you have found over time that they do not tell you up front? Just basically looking for any info good or bad on what peoples opinions are. Also any ones input that purchases tools this way what are your thoughts or feelings? Thanks for the help!!


New member
Back in the mid 80's(ya,ya, I didn't like the 80's myself) I was considering doing this with a major company, I thought how cool to be toolin' around in a truck with all the tools. After to exstensive homework and talking to a friend of the family, he was in it for about 10 yaers and got out. What I found was if you have any thing of value, ie, house, wife, kids, first born, they want it as collateral to get started in the business. Maybe some things have changed in the past few years but thats what turned me away and pursued another career.

Good Luck


I don't know much about it, but I do know a guy who drove snap on truck for about 5 years and just got tired of chasing people down for payments and dealing with the company itself.


New member
I think it is a matured market. not much if any growth left in it. Best if you pick up a retiring guys business so you start out with customers. Burn out rate seems high. "Snap On" has "Mac Tools" for a competitor in my area. You can buy many brands of lifetime warranty tools at many locations in my town or order online, not sure if guys are so willing on paying premuim pricing for convenience and quality tools anymore.


New member
I have had a repair shop for the last 21 years and buy exclusively from snap on and other route drivers... I am old school and set in my ways and enjoy the relationships with the route drivers over the years. All have complained about "chasing " down payments and repo ing tools etc. but most really enjoy there route and make a decent living, even in our rural area... I think internet shopping has killed sales alot over the years though...the average person now will spend the evening on line looking for a deal and not give one thought to the service [and credit] the route drivers extend. I had a chance to take a route 22 years ago and opted for the repair buisness instead.....I often think that was a mistake!!


New member
Thanks for the feedback guys! I decided to go with it! Checked all of them and what they all had to offer and went with who I feel will treat me best and stands behind there product the best.


Well-known member
If your really serious about it you can make some good money. go try out and you will get tons of responses. there's a couple snap on dealers, mac, gearwrench, and so on. It is a risky business, you can win it all or lose it all.


New member
If your really serious about it you can make some good money. go try out and you will get tons of responses. there's a couple snap on dealers, mac, gearwrench, and so on. It is a risky business, you can win it all or lose it all.

Welcome to my shoes, Indy! Day in and Day out.