Track Porting on Mountain sleds. Pro's and Con's anyone???
boy oh boy indy, hope frnash dont read your post LOL
Or HIGHLANDER's either, eh? {wink}boy oh boy indy, hope frnash dont (sic) read your post LOL
It gets RIDE of snow? {grin}… if done the right way it gets ride of snow.
Well I do proofread my posts before clicking Submit Reply. Yes, I have been caught in a mistake, usually the result of fumble-fingering a too hasty post, then failing to re-read it! (Speed kills! )i type 80 wpm and just click "post quick reply" without looking things over! how many times do you proofread your posts frnash? i'm curious lol hard to catch u in a mistake but it has been done. now with the editing you have less of a chance to get caught
Well I do proofread my posts before clicking Submit Reply. Yes, I have been caught in a mistake, usually the result of fumble-fingering a too hasty post, then failing to re-read it! (Speed kills! )
Editing? Of course you can see that a post has been edited, so unless the author includes a credibly legitimate reason for the edit, you can call it suspicious!
Hey Indy, maybe you should wait til you know what your talking about...then post.
X2 Coldsmoker!! Indy you talk like a veteran mechanic and I'm sure you have "heard" alot about many things. But until you speak from experiance please slow down the posts on tech advice. By all means keep learning and enjoy the sport.
ok once i posted something i've "read before" and i get bashed? all i read is that it's possible to port a track to lose weight and still keep in snow