Trail Donation Jars


New member
I have been wondering how much riders put in trail Jars. My wife and I put at least $50.00 if we are going to ride in area for a week. It cost a lot of money to groom trails.
I usually stick in a few bucks in each time we stop. I also get in on some of the fund raisers. Earlier this year, the Sno-Eagles were selling coupon books for local establishments. There was about 20 2 for 1 coupons in the book and the book cost $20. I have already used 4 coupons so the book has more than paid for itself. Plus it gets me to try places I have never been before.


New member
Thank you all that put their donations in the little groomer donation containers that belong to the Superior Snowmobile Club, 100% goes to this all volunteer club!!


Active member
Iron River donation jars

This money goes to the club, not the groomers. Those groomer tractors are thru the Bayfield Co Alliance. This money goes to help pay for the groomer building the club built 2 years ago.
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