Trail question 12&13 open?


I was wondering if any part of 13 from Greenland to TL will be open this season. I know about the bridge out and some talk of reroute but several years back when the Superior Club was dealing with easement issues and they groomed a down and back on the TL end and it was awesome. Just hoping to be able to ride some part of it as it is a great trail.

Also is 12 open from Ontonagon to 101? It was closed last year.

Thanks for any response.


Well-known member
The only part of 13 that is open is from Boondocks back to 3 for a reroute around a closed bridge. I believe 12 is closed too at least according to the BRP app. Maybe someone who knows for sure about 12 will chime in.


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Well-known member
when was up a few weeks ago they had 13 re routed but nothing at the time where reroute started saying it was closed, when got to parkview saw people coming up 13 so I asked... they said the trail was passable but were not grooming the section as the bridge was determined to not be able to carry weight of groomer. Maybe at this point they have it closed so you cant take it but it wasn't at the time. The reroute wasn't bad until you got to area where they were logging, it was warm when we were up and they had section of trail plowed almost to ground, not sure if still logging yet but was only complaint of re route


Well-known member
Far as I know Euphoric that's when they opened up the section of 13 to go around the closed bridge on 3. As far as the rest of 13 it's not opened so unfortunately that means we have more sledders just going where they want to go. The way it was explained the bridge got washed out on 13. The bridge that can't handle the groomer is on 3.


Well-known member
Far as I know Euphoric that's when they opened up the section of 13 to go around the closed bridge on 3. As far as the rest of 13 it's not opened so unfortunately that means we have more sledders just going where they want to go. The way it was explained the bridge got washed out on 13. The bridge that can't handle the groomer is on 3.
oops i apologize, always get those 2 mixed up, 13 not open other than 3 reroute yes, thanks for correcting me!


Active member
The stretch of 12 near Whie Pine that I rode a few weeks ago SHOULD have been closed. That was probably the worst stretch of trail that I’ve ever ridden. Just because a trail is open doesn’t mean its rideable, I guess.


Well-known member
13 from Greenland to Twin Lakes is closed due to a bridge being out from storms a couple years ago. There is currently a bridge on trail 3 not deemed strong enough to hold up the groomer, so there is a small few mile reroute around it, that uses a very small portion of the original trail 13.

Trail 12 from Ontonogan to where it meets trail 101 is listed as closed per north country club, there is a bridge out but I believe there is a detour around it on Norwich rd. Either way, i don’t think I’d take a sled that I care about in that area as conditions are very poor. Trail 12 from 101 intersection, to trail 1 in white pine has also been a problem child so far this season due to water holes, but is considered open (this is what bayfly I believe is talking about).


Active member
Yup, you nailed it Indy. Trail 12 from the 101 intersection to Trail 1 was a really bad stretch. But Trail 1 south of White Pine heading down to Bergland was nearly perfect. If only my group had a competent leader (instead of me) . . .


Thanks guys. Unfortunate since that condenses more riders in the area to fewer trails. Used to be some of the most options in the Yoop 12,13,137,3,109,120,121. Now miles of trails down significantly. My favorite area hands down. Just too old to deal with so much traffic....even on weekdays.


Well-known member
Yup, you nailed it Indy. Trail 12 from the 101 intersection to Trail 1 was a really bad stretch. But Trail 1 south of White Pine heading down to Bergland was nearly perfect. If only my group had a competent leader (instead of me) . . .
That section of trail 1 got beat up pretty bad during the rain and melting. Someone drove back and forth with a vehicle while it was slop. They created track wide ruts that wandered all over the trail. Deep ruts too. I'm surprised the vehicle made it through some of the stuff. The road up to Lake of the Clouds also had a vehicle run to near the top. That trail didn't have near the snow and the ruts were not as problematic. Hope the LES round is enough snow to mix in the frozen ruts.

D.B. Cooper

Active member
13 from Greenland to Twin Lakes is closed due to a bridge being out from storms a couple years ago. There is currently a bridge on trail 3 not deemed strong enough to hold up the groomer, so there is a small few mile reroute around it, that uses a very small portion of the original trail 13.

Trail 12 from Ontonogan to where it meets trail 101 is listed as closed per north country club, there is a bridge out but I believe there is a detour around it on Norwich rd. Either way, i don’t think I’d take a sled that I care about in that area as conditions are very poor. Trail 12 from 101 intersection, to trail 1 in white pine has also been a problem child so far this season due to water holes, but is considered open (this is what bayfly I believe is talking about).