Trail work. The work before the play...


Well-known member
Myself and a couple of buds took over a section of our huge trail system. Figured we better get to work before deer season starts... We had lots of wind this summer but to my suprise not to many trees to cut. Considering almost all of the trails we take care of are in the woods that suprised me. Anyone else taking care of the trail system?? trailwork.jpg


Active member
Yep, and I love it, same level of enjoyment as actually getting out and riding. Back in high school (living at home) I would spend on average 15-20 hours marking/brushing trails in early November, 40 hours driving the groomer (amount widely varies based on weather), and 5 hours picking up signs in spring. I still help out whenever I get home - spent nearly 20 hours grooming this past Christmas break. Wouldn't be "snowmobiling" to me without these activites.

Pictures from 2008-2009 season.
#1 Marking Trails
#2 Hooking up drag
#3 Out grooming
#4 Find a bit of mud while picking up signs in spring
#5 Back home with the last signs

trail marking.jpg hooking up the drag.jpg Ahnapee Trail.jpg ATV after mud.jpg ATV.jpg
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Well-known member
I've been signing and brushing trails since I was able to tag along with my dad, which is probably more than 35 years. He has been at it over 42 years, and still going strong. He actually was one of the "pioneers" that helped establish trails in our area.


New member
Our club will be going out November 11th to mark our trails. I personnally mark the trails through down town Mishicot and through Fox Hills golf course and some neighboring farm field. I have to walk the entire golf course and use old golf bags to carry the signs. It works out pretty good thou. I have been doing this with my family for about 5 years now. Each year I try to improve upon the trails I mark.

Deleted member 10829

I spent 7 hours out on our trails a couple weekends ago on a Saturday mostly clearing large trees that had fallen from our July 1st storm that hit our area. We still have a little more work to do and then I will groom again this winter, which I love!


Down here we have to wait for the farmers to get out of the fields. I enjoy going out and doing my part to help ensure my son will have trails to ride on from home. I do wish more people would get involved though. Only a handful of people do most of the work. Oh well......labor of love for me.


New member
Down here we have to wait for the farmers to get out of the fields. I enjoy going out and doing my part to help ensure my son will have trails to ride on from home. I do wish more people would get involved though. Only a handful of people do most of the work. Oh well......labor of love for me.


Us, last weekend:



New member
Our club is "officially" starting this Saturday. Gonna meet for breakfast then go to it. It'll be my first time with this club. Supposed to be great weather for it. Hopefully we get a good turnout.


Active member
Our Trails North ATV club does grooming, brushing, signing, clearing downfall all summer long on trails around Iron River, which some are also snowmobile trails. The Bayfield County Allience sends people out to brush too. We have people involved in both snow and atv clubs here that work year round. Great if 2 clubs are on the same page.