Trailer Lighting Problems


New member
I don't have a lot of experience working on trailer lighting, so I'm looking to the great expertise here.

I've got a Triton XT two place tilt trailer with a Bearcat cap. I hitched it up last night to prep for a long trip and, when I drove to air up the tires, found that all the lights now flicker occasionally, go dim for periods of time, and even go out for short periods of time.

I'm assuming that since all the lights are affected that it is probably a ground problem but I can't seem to find anything. Of course it won't happen when I'm in the driveway at home trying to troubleshoot.

It appears to happen using either the trucks flat wire connecter or the round connector using an adapter. Jiggling the wires at the connector doesn't make it happen. I've looked at all the wires I can see and everything looks clean and good. Most of the wires are inside the frame so I can't get to much.

I drove it to work this morning and I only saw it happen once, so it seems to be getting better but I hate to get a couple hundred miles down the road and have them fail on me.

Any suggestions on what to look for?

Thanks, and Merry Christmas.


New member
It could be a broken wire in the pigtail, worn out connector, or just a grounding issue. What it sounds like is a ground issue if it is getting better. The ball is probably wearing through the rust and grime on it and the trailer and making a better contact. Clean both off really good (sand paper/wire brush etc) and check the ground wire to see if it is broken. Use a meter to see if its bad. Also check where the trailer pivots for broken wires sometimes the problem is by there. Got to love the lights on a trailer, they always mess up when you are in a hurry. Good luck.
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New member
Try disassembly of the connector ( round ) at the vehicle. I pulled apart a couple of these over the years, probably have corrosion leading to a " BAD " ground. Trailers & bad grounds seem to be the bane of my existance. Trouble shoot first with another vehicle if possible. That may help. OR at least that is 1 place to check. When I re-do the connectors ( generally in better weather, I RTV all the contacts up & connector terminal areas best as possible. also will grease the mating ends, with ( Dielectric grease or any grease ). Maybe try a double ground using jumper cables ( just for troubleshooting ). Just a thought, I have 4 trailers and from time to time ( mostly all the time )bad grounds will " ghost me ".


New member
Thanks. I hadn't thought of cleaning the ball and coupler. I'll clean the receiver and draw bar, too, though they should be OK because I pulled a heavier trailer several hundred miles last weekend for my son's Boy Scout troop.

I checked all the wiring last night where it comes out of the frame at the pivot and everything looked good there.

I'll check the ground wire as well. It's the white one, right?

You're right about timing. I've never had a problem before and now I'm trying to head out the door on a 900 mile trip to northern MN. Heading only 100 miles away today to see family so I'll have until Saturday to mess with it before heading north to MN. That way I won't have to drive through the storm, too! I hope to just drive up and jump on the sleds on Sunday for a week of fun.

On top of that, when I got to work this morning I took a quick look and found grease all over one of the trailer wheels. Looking closer I found I hadn't gotten the rubber cup on the EZlube hub completely seated right. Grease was spinning out and making a mess. Now I've got to go add grease before taking off this afternoon.

I spent all my time worried about having the sleds completely ready to go and I'm ending up with trailer issues. Oh well, at least I'm getting my Christmas wish for good snow in MN.


New member
Yes, White wire generally. Depends if someone might have re-wired. It's supposed to be on the flat 4ways. Clean that ball off good also.( like said above )


Pos Poor Connection between Tongue Pivot & Bed

Where the tongue meets the tilt pivot sometimes does not make a good connection. Jumper from the pivot tongue to the trailer bed main frame. Just leave enough slack so it can move. With a good solid ground at the tongue & at the pivot point, your ground issues will go away. Of course, like mentioned, the vehicle recpt ground could be suspect as well. Good luck. Merry Christmas.


Well-known member
I have a wire with a clip on one end I use as a jumper for alloy trailers just have one end pushed in between 7 pin round and flat 4 and 10 in lead with clip try on trailer and try truck could be trucks ground also


New member
Same thing was happening with my triton but it wasnt the triton. It was the round connector on the truc. I took it out of it's holder, disconnected it from the back and found the white wire pin was corroded bad. Cleaned and put some stuff on them and it was fine. This is after spending a couple hours tracing the hidden wired on trailer to find out it wasn't them at all.


Well-known member
poor dround

hook the wires up without putting the trailer on the truck if lites are out then look for ground problem hooked up it may be tring to ground through ball


New member
A quick way to clean the ball and hitch is to put a piece of steel wool on top of the ball, then hook up the trailer. As you drive the steel wool polishes both. Always have a good connection that way. I have been doing this for years. It works.


New member
common with GM truck

had this thing going on with my rig. I was blaming my trailer all summer long put in new lights and wire. did not help! Found the problem in the on the plug on the truck. I'm find out that it is common problem with the wiring back there.


hook the wires up without putting the trailer on the truck if lites are out then look for ground problem hooked up it may be tring to ground through ball

I agree. Start with the ground. You can use a jumper from the vehicle to the trailer to test it. Make sure your start points are clean.