Trailer Question


Active member
I think I'm going to get rid of my 2003 Pace 4 place enclosed trailer. I had some work done to my place up there and one of the subs I hired
is interested in a possible trade. The problem is I have absolutely no idea what its worth. I really doesn't have many miles on it because I just leave it up there.
The biggest problem that it has is the hinge on the front ramp door is rusted off. and the rear ramp door is on it's way there as well. Not sure how easy a fix this is but other
than that it's in pretty good shape. It is a V-nose. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Well-known member
Is that steel? Steel not worth much when they start to rust only way to make them last is to have them undercoated when new.


Well-known member
Maybe ....depends how bad it is rusted out? Very typical to rust out doors of steel trailers look underneath see what is left to frame? Nature of the beast with steel so sell cheap then no push back later if breaks due to rust.