traveling with newborn?

Whompas cat

New member
Anyone ever go snowmobiling to the keewanaw and bring a newborn along for the trip. Mrs and I have our first little one a few weeks ago, and I am wondering if a trip like this is possible with a newborn. Either her or I would probably stay around the hotel most of the day with him. We would be looking for the cleanest place to stay possible in the u.p, and something quiet as well. So has anyone ever taken something like this on? Or just wait a year. Looking for something from watersmeet to Houghton. Thanks for suggestions or advice


New member
Your run and gun days are over my friend, stay at home with the wife and little one this year then attack that quest next year. I'm not going to go into the whole 'they grow up so fast' rant but now having one 10 and one 7 I know IT IS TRUE. Stay home with him you'll be glad you did.


Active member
ya gottsa get you and better half trained to leave kiddo home............. spoken from someone that won't leave my Dobe for a minute bahahahahah


Active member
IMO, Peppermill rentals.

Some friends and I have stayed at 2 different places of theirs before. The places are very nice. We had mobile/manufactured homes both times. Way more room than needed, full residential kitchens, bathrooms etc. IMO, nicer than most hotels in the northwoods.
If I was taking my family up, that's the place I'd stay. When it's just the guys going up, we certainly don't need to stay at a place as nice as their "homes", but for the price it is pretty hard to beat.

Nice people, nice places, especially for a family IMO.

I will say, Rockland is a very small town, not much to do there if your wife is looking for something to do while you are out riding.


Well-known member
At that age, its easy to travel! I say go and have a great time! How about Wildlife Refuge Cabins in South Range??


Active member
I would have to say, it all depends on how bad you want it. Speaking from experience, travling cross country multiple times with new borns, there is nothing easy about it. I have even camped for a week with a newborn in a tent. Again, not easy, but doable if you prepare properly! Just depends on how much grief your willing to overlook/deal with.


Well-known member
I would have to say, it all depends on how bad you want it. Speaking from experience, travling cross country multiple times with new borns, there is nothing easy about it. I have even camped for a week with a newborn in a tent. Again, not easy, but doable if you prepare properly! Just depends on how much grief your willing to overlook/deal with.

X2 got to be prepared no running out for baby stuff at drop of hat in UP. Moma has to be tired & if things go bad long ways from home. To me 50/50 odds of being a nightmare so odds not good enough for me to risk Mom & baby & always will be next year leave baby with grandma & grandpa get to know each other again....nice break.


Active member
X2 got to be prepared no running out for baby stuff at drop of hat in UP. Moma has to be tired & if things go bad long ways from home. To me 50/50 odds of being a nightmare so odds not good enough for me to risk Mom & baby & always will be next year leave baby with grandma & grandpa get to know each other again....nice break.

I should add, MUCH more importantly, how much grief is Mama willing to overlook? That makes ALL the difference!!!!!!!!


we got a 7 month taking with us in couple weeks also took my four year old multiple times since she was 3 months I remember going with my parents when I was young I also have plenty of memories staying at grandparents while they went on trips either way the kiddos have fun granparents spoil them or go stay in cabin/motel always fun to


Active member
live [sic] is short. if you can go then go... we took the kids with us everywhere.

Live is short, Memorex is forever? :p

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we got a 7 month taking with us in couple weeks also took my four year old multiple times since she was 3 months I remember going with my parents when I was young I also have plenty of memories staying at grandparents while they went on trips either way the kiddos have fun granparents spoil them or go stay in cabin/motel always fun to [?]

Did something get lost here? "... always fun to what?" :confused:


New member
You ain't riding this year....

That's a fact.

Lucky for me, my youngest was 8 months old by the time my first real season rolled around in 2011. That was pressing it.

Big bummer, since this winter is really rocking too.


Well-known member
We started taking granddaughters with us to participate in Civil War living history reenactments when they were just a few months old. There was no running water, no furnaces, and plenty of rustic camping in a canvas tent often when it is often quite hot outside. They not only survived each weekend but have thrived and are avid reenactors to this day.

I think kids adapt to whatever you throw their way and learn to love the things you involve them in. Yes, an infant that is just a few weeks old does take up some time - but said infant eat, sleeps and poops whether they are at home or in a motel/cabin. Why not come prepared with extras of everything and plenty of diapers, wipes and bottles/formula (if mama doesn't b-feed) and enjoy the time away?! With the right coat for mama and a carrier for baby -tuck baby inside the carrier and inside mama's coat and even spend a bit of time in the out of doors. No, mom wont' be able to ride with baby and the parents will have to take turns riding... .but why NOT head out to someplace different and enjoy the time away?!!

Mrs Russholio (who thinks that people think life ends when the baby arrives)

Whompas cat

New member
Well update. Did not end up going north yet, have sat around house for better part of 3 months with the little guy due to no working conditions. (Dirt contractor). I can say I am very glad to have been able to be around him and spend time with him. However missing a winter like this has beyond drove me crazy. Especially for once having time to go. Stay at home moms have all my respect. Mother Nature you can absolutely SUCK IT. And I cant beleive the $$ I spent, the miles drove, and chasing snow the last 12 years to miss a winter like this only to sit at home. Hopefully I took a bullet for the team and you all had a great year up north. BTW. A little one will never keep me at home, first 80 degree weekend he is going boating.