Trouble getting parts for my XF800


New member
I was wondering if anyone else is still waiting on parts/accessories for their new sled?
I bought mine in march and ordered tunnel protectors, hand guards, bag, spare belt, and teloscopic steering all at the same time and finally got everything but belt and tunnel protectors. Coming north the day after christmas and really starting to get nervous! I don't know if my dealer dropped the ball or what. I know there was a backlog on tunnel protectors but 7 months is a long time.


New member
I had a big headache getting the sled alone. I bought some tunnel potectors from ! He had them to me over a month ago. I had so many problems getting a sled from the preferred dealer ( due to the rep ) it ended up being a castrophy. I just bought another sled, walked away from the 1st one. I pick up my sled at 3:00 tomorrow. Belt ??? Might run something other if the 1st one blows . I hear there is a shortage but I'll just have to order one , AND WAIT along with you. AC couldn't screw this program launch anymore .... or could they ?


New member
Belts are on backorder,I ordered my stuff in March got the sled in September and the rest just a week ago.I am still waiting for a belt though also.


New member
I was wondering if anyone else is still waiting on parts/accessories for their new sled?
I bought mine in march and ordered tunnel protectors, hand guards, bag, spare belt, and teloscopic steering all at the same time and finally got everything but belt and tunnel protectors. Coming north the day after christmas and really starting to get nervous! I don't know if my dealer dropped the ball or what. I know there was a backlog on tunnel protectors but 7 months is a long time.

I got a belt yesterday from R&R Sports in Hazelhusrt WI for my XF800, he said it was just turbos are having problems with belt delivery. Call Cody@715-4986829 its his cell phone dont store number with me. Good luck