Truck topper rear window


Well-known member
So the glass on my truck topper broke today and I'm wondering if anyone knows a source to replace it?


I checked around when I had mine break and ended up having the place where I bought my topper replace the whole door.
It was NOT cheap.
It can be tough to find a replacement. The last time I needed to do this I looked for a while and ended up buying a used topper off craigslist that had the same rear window/door as my topper for $100. The truck was old with an equally old aluminum cap. Not sure how old your cap is but there is a decent amount of commonality between toppers of the same size/age, try to find a match for sale used. Lots of guys buying a used truck don't want the cover and sell them pretty cheap, find one that has a hole in the roof or a broken side window and the are very cheap/free. You can usually move the window/door over in a couple minutes, then sell/give away the rest after that. I removed the rest of the windows from the one I bought for spares and used the bare shell as a roof for the pull behind mower at my camp.


Active member
Best bet is to go to a topper dealer that carries the same brand. They might have used toppers for parts or be able to order a new door. Or go to a glass shop and see if they will service it. When the rear door window broke on our work truck, no one would touch it and we had to order a complete rear door from the dealer.

Be advised these topper OEM are constantly changing product designs and sometime you cannot find replacement parts. Been there with Century topper.


New member
If it is flat glass any Auto Glass shop should be able to replace it, we occasionally break a piece on one of our machines and the local glass shop cuts and install’s new glass. Like mentioned above it will not be cheap.


New member
Had to re-read the title on this one...I thought for a minute you were talking about the Dodge pickup in Rockland that has a rear window in it from an aluminum truck topper.. LOL..


Well-known member
sol I have priced them before and door was almost the cost i gave for the topper . made 1 repayment out of plexiglass and another out of dimond plate .
I am a contractor and have busted a few over the yrs


I bought a truck that the glass was missing from the topper door. I bought a piece of Lexan from Menards and cut one out. Simple


Had one break as well. Was big money for sure. I was patient and found one in a scrap yard for $100 I believe. But crazy what the replacement cost from an OEM.

ICT Sledder

Active member
I don't know why you couldn't just take the frame to a local glass shop and have them put in a new piece of tempered glass. I'm sure the frame can be taken apart, and it's just flat glass. The biggest complication might be the tempered glass thing.