Turboing a 2 stroke


New member
Has anyone made this work. I know they were playing around with them but what are the pro's and cons on this setup? Has anyone had one and did it work out?


Well-known member
they eat reeds like candy.only 1 around me and he goes west like 5 times a yr.he bought the m8 boondocker rtr it is bad ars.he is on yr 2 with it.most guys around me run nos because only need the power for 660 or 1000ft and not to hard to go 100yrd back to the trailer to get a fresh bottle.cant see where I would ever want a turbo boondocking in da up sounds kinda crazy in the tight woods.


Well-known member
2s DI or SDI trail sled lucky to hold together stock now shoot additional turbo gas presssure thru standard fuel mapping & delicate 2s go boom. A whole lot of technical hurdles & don't think the 2s could take duty cycle as a trail sled. Yes lots of money & time & could run measured drags.....then go boom.:)
What kind of sled are you running with?

I know if I had an M8 to play with and fist full of $ I'd seriously look at the Vohk / Boondocker Pump Gas Turbo http://www.boondockers.com

For Doo's I don't know if I'd turbo my 800R ever. I know there are few to choose from (turboboyz kit http://www.turboboyz.com, CPI racing, ). For the most part I would only put the Sled Head Racing BB 860 in her. >:) Quite a bit cheaper than a turbo kit and a great performing engine mod out west.

I don't know what the hot set up for the Poo's are.