TV adds for Wisconsin and Michigan


New member
Down here in the land of political crooks adds for both are on TV. Michigan is again running their "pure Michigan" commercial that shows maybe a dozen different sceens of sking, skating and more sking and then only one two second shoot of snowmobiles mixed in the middle.
Wisconsin is running one that while I think is a shorter air time than the one above, is eintrely of a guy on a snowmobile. It shows him in slow motion with a big smile. You can see the smile because hes not wearing any eye protection. (nice!)
I kind of take this to mean that Michigan REALLY doesn't put snowmobilers at the top of their wish list for wallet weilding tourists. Wisconsin with their "pure snowmoblie" commercial kind of makes me think; Why run all the way up to the UP when Wisconsin seems to have a more welcome attitude about our non-silent sport.


Well-known member
Rep. Gov. Walker appointed a sled friendly gal to head our states tourism dept.
In addition to that he took our state from a $3 billion deficet left by Dem. gov Doyle to a $1 billion surplus in just a few years, all while facing a recall election where he won bigger the second time.
Wisco also has paid off the $56 million in MN state reciprotax owed by the prior gov Doyle admin....SKOL Repub. Gov. Scott Walker!

here is a link to the commercial. I haven't seen it being played up here yet...
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Down here in the land of political crooks adds for both are on TV. Michigan is again running their "pure Michigan" commercial that shows maybe a dozen different sceens of sking, skating and more sking and then only one two second shoot of snowmobiles mixed in the middle.
Wisconsin is running one that while I think is a shorter air time than the one above, is eintrely of a guy on a snowmobile. It shows him in slow motion with a big smile. You can see the smile because hes not wearing any eye protection. (nice!)
I kind of take this to mean that Michigan REALLY doesn't put snowmobilers at the top of their wish list for wallet weilding tourists. Wisconsin with their "pure snowmoblie" commercial kind of makes me think; Why run all the way up to the UP when Wisconsin seems to have a more welcome attitude about our non-silent sport.

Funny, I saw the commercial for Wisc last night and that is exactly what I thought, nothing over the eyes... How are they not all teared up?


Active member
Rep. Gov. Walker appointed a sled friendly gal to head our states tourism dept.
In addition to that he took our state from a $3 billion deficet left by Dem. gov Doyle to a $1 billion surplus in just a few years, all while facing a recall election where he won bigger the second time.
Wisco also has paid off the $56 million in MN state reciprotax owed by the prior gov Doyle admin....SKOL Repub. Gov. Scott Walker!

here is a link to the commercial. I haven't seen it being played up here yet...



New member
Down here in the land of political crooks adds for both are on TV. Michigan is again running their "pure Michigan" commercial that shows maybe a dozen different sceens of sking, skating and more sking and then only one two second shoot of snowmobiles mixed in the middle.
Wisconsin is running one that while I think is a shorter air time than the one above, is eintrely of a guy on a snowmobile. It shows him in slow motion with a big smile. You can see the smile because hes not wearing any eye protection. (nice!)
I kind of take this to mean that Michigan REALLY doesn't put snowmobilers at the top of their wish list for wallet weilding tourists. Wisconsin with their "pure snowmoblie" commercial kind of makes me think; Why run all the way up to the UP when Wisconsin seems to have a more welcome attitude about our non-silent sport.

Sad to say but that is what we are up against. Us business owners do not feel the same way though. Motorized sports pay our bills. Getting money for atv or snowmobile improvements is hard, yet they will pour all kinds of money into walking or bicycle trails that bring in no money.


Active member
Need transparent helmets so we can see the smiles on buds face.

I saw it and was the first thing I thought. Open face with no eye protection??


Well-known member
The pure michigan billboards down here in Indianapolis had snowmobiles on them the last couple years and ski slopes this year. My guess is they rotate them.

I remember sort of laughing or crying at one after seeing one a couple years ago, since I was starting my drive out to Wyoming because there was almost no snow to play in Michigan that particularly week.