Twin Lakes JD ride in Weekend


Active member
Had another awesome trip to Twin Lakes. Had a chance to do some great riding, and meet some great people at the JD Ride-in Banquet. There was 4 of us total, and had the chance to hook up for a bit with Kim, Skylar, Eric and his brother Lance also. Short of a bad recoil and relay going out on Adam's Summit, we all managed to make it out without any major breakdowns or damage!! Here's a few pics from the first couple days. I'll post more later because I'm a bit beat right now, and don't feel like resizing and posting them all tonight.

Andy goofin around...

I got myself in a bit of a pickle here! This trench went for about 100 yards, (of which I thought I could run one end to the other), but wedged myself in instead about 25 yards down it.

Just about there, but couldn't make it! Adam tried tackling this line in the trees, but met a stump which pretty much derailed his momentum.

Here's looking down his line the other way.

Here's me goofin off..

Here's Mike turnin the Cat around.

Not only was my depth perception off on this one, but I completely missed the line goin at it sideways!

Nice shot with some fresh snow in the trees.

As stated earlier, I'll post more later on....


Awesome pics Kris, looking forward to seeing the rest of them!


Active member

How's that sayin go? (If ya ain't gettin stuck, your not tryin hard enough!)


As a first time rider in the U.P., Adam's buddy Mike wanted to see the BFH. Before I could even get my gear off and to my camera, he was already gone. This is him on top.

Adam decided to follow suit, but wasn't as lucky. He and his summit ended up in the right side rut about 20 feet from the top when he stopped. I've got video of the whole thing, and may decide to attempt a post later, but for now, these pics will need to tell the story! He slid halfway down that hill doing everything in his power to keep that sled from taking the tumble. Somehow, some way, he stuck with it as the thing came to a stop after dragging him halfway back down. This is the shot from where he and the sled stopped!

This is how far the other 3 of us had to walk up the fricken hill to help him get it down! It's not easy walking up that icy thing with your gear on.

On Saturday morning we hooked up with Skylar, Kim, Lance and Eric to play a bit. Here's a shot of the crew takin a break.

Skylar checkin things out...

Still have a couple more to edit and post. I'll do them tomorrow or THursday...


New member
Yah, I got lucky with the hillclimb. Made it almost to the top and caught something in that rut which kicked my sled on its right side losing all traction. As it started sliding back in the very beginning I was able to get it upright again for the slide down. The bad thing was I was on the right side of the sled unable to get my hand on the brake. Not sure if that helped as it pretty much went straight down until I backed up enough snow to stop. I think if I could have braked the sled might have turned and started the big tumble. I was lucky and thank god the others were there to help get me back down. We had to slide the sled down backwards until almost the bottom to avoid tumbling. I have ridden this sled like 4 times total.


Active member

Andy breakin trail on a logging road.


Adam's relay went out on the summit, so needed a tow back. $30 later, and a 2 minute install he was back and running.

Another view of Adam's stuck in the trees.

Andy scopin things out.

In the woods on a backcountry ride between Twin Lakes and Toivola.


Most excellent!

Kris, still thinking about coming up next week?


New member
WOW.... those are some nice pics! Was this last pic east or west of M-26? B/c thats looks like some amazin untracked powder.......