Twins and a new truck!


New member
Congrats, Once you have a crew cab you will not go back to a extended cab,just remember the crew cabs are a bit longer and may not fit in the garage, a brush guard saved my front end a few times but make sure it is stainless steel, the painted ones get rusty to quickly, I've had both.


Well-known member
We have twins that are 16 months old to go along with our 4 year old. Before you go off and upgrade your truck, you need to figure out how often the kids will actually be in your vehicle. For us, our twins have never actually ridden in my car. We bought a minivan soon after the twins were born and that is the kid mover. Works out really well for us. Unless I go somewhere with my 4 year old, I am the only one who ever rides in my car.

If the kids will be in your vehicle often while they are babies, yes, you will definitely need a crew cab. You aren't going to want to move those car seats in and out without a crew cab. Even with a crew cab, it's not ideal to get the kids in and out. Plus, you'll have to store the stroller and all the stuff that goes with the kids in the bed.

Good luck! Twins are an unbelievable amount of work but they are also an incredible blessing at the same time. Unfortunately, at first, it's all work. But it does get a whole lot better each and every month. I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. There is very little me time anymore, but I'm sure that will come back in time.

Let me know if you do sell your truck - I'm looking for something like that myself now.
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Well-known member
Congrats!, As everyone has stated go with the Crew Cab, I have 3 boys spaced 3 years apart, just right for one getting out of the rear facing seat and for the next to go in. The ONLY way they fit in my 98 F150 extended cab is the rear facing seat in the center of the backseat. This keep the head area of the baby seat between the back of the driver and passenger seats and over the armrest. The rear facing baby seat would not fit behind the back of the driver or passenger seats, with out the seat being straight up and down and moved all the way forward. So with twins its not going to work for you, unless you put one up front. (Yes in a truck one can ride up front, IF YOU CAN TURN THE AIR BAG OFF!)

As far as a brush guard it all depends on what you buy. Brush guards are just that, and will fold in and crush the front grill. It may save the mechanic behind the grill, just depends on the hit. But will still come with a warning of how it could cause you air bags not to function properly.

I have one on my truck its big and beefy polished stainless tube steel but the brackets would fold up in a second. Oh, yeah I have hit 3 deer in my life, one in my car, before having the truck, one with one of our fire trucks (3000 gal Tanker), and the last one in my truck. Well actually the deer hit me, it ran right in to the rear tire and bed of my truck, then I hit it with my sled trailer. Trailer was fine truck need some plastic repair the tire took the big hit. But the Brush GUARD looked nice and shinny! Just like RADSRH said above.

I have seen the push bar brush guards fold up also. Unless you are thinking a full bumper and guard combo, the brush guards are more for looks.

Well I was hoping more people would give their 2 cents here about undercoating because I will be looking at the new F150 Crew myself shortly.
Are you parking inside?
I noticed that my rust on my 98 seemed to increase big time about 4 years ago. 5 years ago on Nov 23 I bought the wife a new car. Guess who's went outside, granted it was 10yrs old with about 115000 miles on it, but I think the truck liked the heated garage. I know I will keep my next one just as long but I also know the 12yr mark meant repairs, lots of little stuff. some rusty parts just gave way. I joke it will be a new truck part wise before I sell it!

Oh forgot not sure if they work or not but each time I hit a deer I did not have deer whistles on the car. I have had many of times since then when deer have stopped by the edge of the road since having the deer whistles on all my cars now. State Farm use to give these out free nice and small, easy to hide compared to the bigger ones in most stores.

Good Luck!
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New member
Hhmm, Forget the Truck altogether

Sounds like it's time to surrender and get the mini van.
You can not be hauling around a double stroller, 2 diaper bags in the bed of a truck.
Plus trips for diapers and formula for 2, your going to need the mini van.

Oh? you still need to haul the snowmobiles etc, LOL Yeah right!
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Active member
Hhmm, Forget the Truck altogether

Sounds like it's time to surrender and get the mini van.
You can not be hauling around a double stroller, 2 diaper bags in the bed of a truck.
Plus trips for diapers and formula for 2, your going to need the mini van.

Oh? you still need to haul the snowmobiles etc, LOL Yeah right!

Ha! The only one telling the truth!

tundra ron

New member
Go with f150 crew cab 5 liter V8 you cannot go wrong. Do not trade your Tundra in these trucks are very easy to sell on craig list or any other sight. even with a lot of miles.


New member
Seems like the crew cab thing has been addressed so I will offer my $.02 on the latter.

Cherish every moment you can when they are little. Even during the trying times, and there will be plenty of trying times. Hold them each day and look into their eyes and have 2 minutes of quiet time with them soaking in the moment. I cant explain it, just try it.... I guarantee your day will get better after this time no matter what.

My girls are going on 9 and 11. I am proud of them and what they have become but each day I miss more and more of all of those little things they used to do, or things we did together!!!!! Man that time goes so fast. Even when its 3 am, someones screaming and you think that you will never make through that night and BLINK the next thing you know they are significantly grown up......

Congratulations. In some ways in jealous, and in many ways MAN I'M GLAD ITS NOT ME!!!!!!! LOL


Congratulations on the twins! If you can find one, make sure to have shoulder belts across the back in all three spots. This was something I didnt think of when we had our third little man. Kids need to be in booster seats until age 8 and those things need shoulder belts not just the lap belts. Something to consider if you think you might have another down the road. Also bring the car seats along when you test drive. Seats are all made differently, some fit better than others in different cars.