used sled question


New member
I have been watching craigs list for used sleds in the 02 range, and have seen several with no stickers or decals on them. They often have numbers and license stickers but no decals. I know there are some dealers that sell newer sleds without the decals, but did not know there were older sleds available like that. The owners insist the sleds have not been rolled or in accidents. Guess I'm not a very trusting person, and wonder about these sleds. I know there has been a lot of fraud on internet sales, and people only want cash these days, as everything else can be forged and I know the buyer must beware also. So I am posing this question to those of you with more sled experience. Is there a reason the older sleds would be without decals?


Super Moderator
Staff member
There could be lots of reasons for the missing decals and I'm sure others here will follow with their explanations. I do know that if you replace a hood from the mfr the decals are sold separately. You're justified in being cautious, why not visit some dealers in your area? Most will offer a short warranty which is something you won't get by buying on-line. Plus it's always nice to look something over in person before making a decision i.e. sit on it, open the hood, talk face to face with the owner. Take a friend along too, another pair of eyes are always helpful. Good luck!



Active member
One of the first things I did when I brought my 2010 home from the dealership was peal every decal off it. A lot of people just appreciate the cleaner look. Its not something I would be concerned with. There is not much about a sleds history that you can hide by removing decals.


Well-known member
I usually peel my stickers and buy a wrap.but I have bought a hood after a tree grew in front of me one bet is to always ask seller to drop sled at a dealer to be checked out if you are serious and don't know everything about the sled you are looking at .could be the best 100 bucks you ever spent.
and if the seller is unwilling to go that rout he is prob hiding something


Well-known member
I'm kind of conservative so I would probably avoid machines without decals but that's just me.

Why not check out the classifieds on this site. I've been told by others that the classifieds here have a better selection of good machines than Craig's.

Otherwise, I'm with Gary - check out some dealers. You're not that far from Bristow's in St. Cloud, one of the biggest dealers around. They are currently listing 148 used sleds on their website (

Good Luck!


Well-known member
Alot of our guys take um home new and peel all the stickers off right away!
I took half of mine off the day I got it home!
I wouldnt let no stickers scare ya!
Scottiking OUT


New member
To me, the no decals could be a flag of a replacement hood or belly pan. If tunnel vin. numbers are engraved than tunnel has been replaced. If in doubt have a pro check it out. Craigs list and auction houses are great ways to get rid of sleds you would not want a friend or neighbor to own. Yes I yank stickers off too, but only the safety warning stickers. lol. Mainly for resale purposes I leave the main ones on.


New member
I put wraps on my sleds and then get sick of them and put replacement decals back on ect... It's a vicious cycle in my camp. However I agree with all these comments
1) I would be wary especially if your seeing alot of sleds without...
2) Checking out a reputable dealer with a " friend " is a good idea
3) Find a sled head like one of us whom answered .... You must be leary now a days.... people have seem to lost their morals & integrity. I would think taking along someone that is deeply engaged in the sport is your best asset when buying new or used.
If you lived closer to me I would surely help you. If you buy from a independent seller take a look at his garage & belongings. Does he take care of his stuff ? That is normally a sign of a perfectionist. By no means is it the only indication of a honest deal but... a good starting point. I think if you find your local snowmobile club someone there may help. Ask around, their are people like my self that buy new & sell older sleds all the time, you may be able to find someone with a good reputation. IE: " mjkaliszak really takes care of his stuff ".

Team Elkhorn

I get that some people take their stickers off on purpose. Heck I'm not crazy about the graphics on my sled either. But, one of the first things I check when buying a used sled, among other things, is the condition of the stickers. Its the first thing you see before you even open the hood. If they are faded or peeling that's a hint, (to me), that its been stored outside. They are also the first thing to get messed up in an accident. If they are gone you have to ask why. If I ever decided to take the graphics off my sled, I would be prepared to take the hit on resale, jmo.


New member
thanks to all who replied to my post. I have checked the local dealers, but I am looking for a specific sled which is why I am checking everywhere. My sled turned over 10,000 miles on our last ride of the season last year, and I still love my sled, so wanted to find a backup, the same type of sled, for this year. (Ok, I couldn't help myself, and had to take it out on the field it now has 10,003 miles). I will ride my current sled until it drops, and am hoping for a great season with it. Thanks for all your great input. I never realized or noticed that so many people took the graphics off their sleds. I will pay closer attention when we ride this year. Happy trails to all. Think snow!!!


Well-known member
well put it out there! what sled are you looking for some one here may just know of one

Exactly! Now you have more than one of us curious. Unadvertised sleds often become available if the owner knows there is someone looking for their particular sled.


New member
Nothing fancy, I have a 02 ski doo legend, liquid cooled 600. I love it, and would like to find another one for when this one stops. I have found a 700 and 550 fan,and have missed a couple of 600's, so want to keep looking. The last one I found was the guy who had two sleds for sale without graphics, which prompted my question on this post. I like the older skidoos because I hate the Rev platform, and the new ones have not adjusted that rider forward platform enough for me. So I am looking for a low miles older sled. I actually do have a backup sled, I still have a 2000 formula deluxe 500 fan, that is a nice sled also, but really love the 600 legend. So theres my whole story. If you happen to know someone who want to get rid of one, please let me know. Thanks for your expertise and information.


Active member
I can see where your coming from on haveing the same sled, but all that new technology with the new engines and susp. stuff. you would love it if you gave it a chance.

You know you would probably love the Cats! The rider position isn't so radical as the Doo's.
You could be called Catgirl or somethin.Ha.
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Well-known member
The Legend is a great machine (almost legendary). A friend let me try his in the Black Hills a few years back - nice ride! I was up at Kal's in Wadena this weekend and my salesman was telling me that they buy 80+ used machines every fall for resale. They get many of these at Haydays. You could put in a request next year or just check it out yourself. Just a thought.

BTW, I think "Catgirl" is taken - maybe DooClaws or CatCall? :)


New member
Check the White Star auction in Bronson, Mi. The website is If you ever go to the auction, I recommend looking the machine over real good, I have seen some junk sell at this place. It can be a fun day just to go, and Snow City is next door, same building.