Utube fast ride up...and rump ride down



first off,,, I am sure the camera does not do the slope angle much justice. Super steep hill, rider had the momentum but missed the exit and ran up the edge and bailed. It just happens, that's the risk you take out in the big steep and deep. I don't see this as a dumb moment but rather just a bad day for this guy. If you ride off trail you never know exactly what;s next so often it is a new experience. I'll give you that the rider is not super experienced and you can tell how he never corrected early on staying away from the right edge, than the left edge. He had the room, momentum and was just about there, couldn't finish er off for some reason. Here is another angle.

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New member
That video does get a lot of threads started.

They had a recovery crew ready at the top and he just about made it over, but. . .
Keep in mind that sleds are expensive over there too.
I honestly think the second guy in this video is more crazy.
What good is a recovery crew at the top? If you make it, you made it. No need for recovery crew. Maybe a helocopter to take sled back down would be nice. As far as dumbest sledder award he is in the running, why chase the sled to the bottom? To get good video? He clearly stopped above the sled at one point. That sled would kill him dead if it hit him. The sled was already toast why chase it and pass it? So that is why he gets the dumb sledder award.


Well-known member
if you listen at the end when he knew he he f'ed up he pinned it to try to plant the ars end like you should but it did not plant.


everybody tries something like this one time in their life, to say the dumbest is an overstatement, I've seen dumber/ Does lack of experience directly relate to stupid,,,,no! The recovery crew is there for many reasons. So they did not stop the sled. Lets say the driver broke a few bones or needed immediate attention, you'll be happy the recovery crew was there. Polarisrider1, come on bud, you know better than this. Your always going out west, don't you climb shoots like this ?
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New member
everybody tries something like this one time in their life, to say the dumbest is an overstatement, I've seen dumber/ Does lack of experience directly relate to stupid,,,,no! The recovery crew is there for many reasons. So they did not stop the sled. Lets say the driver broke a few bones or needed immediate attention, you'll be happy the recovery crew was there. Polarisrider1, come on bud, you know better than this. Your always going out west, don't you climb shoots like this ?
I would not chase a sled down the mountain for the sake of filming it. The dumb part was he started himself sliding again after the sled passed him once and put himself back in harms way. I have never climbed anything like that.....yet! Yes I have seen dumber.


New member
That video was shot on a film set in Hollywood... You know... The same set that the moon landings were filmed at. The only thing bad about the video was that the guy missed his exit mark. I'd say the guy had some balls to try something like that. He did get lucky not being wrapped up in chute with his sled. Remember, If things were easy, women and children would be doing it and they would call it shopping!!!!


New member
Sliding down the mountain on your butt is a ton of fun, but prefer that a sled isn't chasing me. Most of us have learned to accept fate while doing such things same as the "Ricky Racers" accept being over the "white line" on a curve. I know my arms would be rubber and my knees pretty weak running up that shoot. Yes I would try it, but not on my sled.