

Active member
Paintball, I like that! Riders are all wearing helmets and padding, why not? It's defensible "you were just marking the trail and one got loose". Just make sure the paintballs aren't frozen ;)


Well-known member
Put 85 miles on Tuesday afternoon in Waupaca and Portage counties, and about 75 of that I was the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd sled after the groomer.

It is such a treat to be the first like that, but geez, know what the heck your doing, and roll through the trail. It will be PERFECT tomorrow for another ride!!!

And tearing it up will actually slow you down, if speed is your goal.


New member
Wow! alot of bashing goin on.

We ride in UP 4-5 times a year for the last ten years. Spent alot of money on stickers, MSA membership, Repair shops etc. Never knew what a ribbon was till Skylar's post. I am not a speed demon but do enjoy a nice ride on a freshly groomed trail once in awhile. We are not out at 1am, usually in the lodging by 11pm. Usually on the trail in the am around 9am after a hearty b-fast. So we don't get the privelege of riding a groomed trail too often. Most of you that post on here are boondockers (I'm guessing). My point is this is the first time I've read about "The Ribbon" and how sacred it is. I appreciate the groomers more than I can ever express and do give the thumbs up and do dump money in the "Jar". I think education will go much further than any bashing, pictures, water cannons can do. Just my $0.02 worth. See you next Friday! Maybe someday I can meet up with someone to show me a legal off trail spot. Kinda worried about trespassing and such.


I think education will go much further than any bashing, pictures, water cannons can do. Just my $0.02 worth. See you next Friday! Maybe someday I can meet up with someone to show me a legal off trail spot. Kinda worried about trespassing and such.

Griff, I think you’re missing the point. Most of these acts are intentional. Just like riding in a posted no snowmobile area. Some of these guys just do it because they want to ruin the trails for others. Education will not fix that kind of attitude.

Nobody is going to fault you for riding on a freshly groomed trail, but I highly doubt you ever rode behind the groomer sliding back and forth just to mess the trail up.


Active member
I came across this article some time ago on trails & grooming, well worth reading!!

It truly is a shame that some feel they have the "right" to tear up a freshly groomed trail!

Have some respect for the hard work of the groomer operators , as well as others who make the trails possible for all to enjoy the trails!

We ride in UP 4-5 times a year for the last ten years. Spent alot of money on stickers, MSA membership, Repair shops etc. Never knew what a ribbon was till Skylar's post. I am not a speed demon but do enjoy a nice ride on a freshly groomed trail once in awhile. We are not out at 1am, usually in the lodging by 11pm. Usually on the trail in the am around 9am after a hearty b-fast. So we don't get the privelege of riding a groomed trail too often. Most of you that post on here are boondockers (I'm guessing). My point is this is the first time I've read about "The Ribbon" and how sacred it is. I appreciate the groomers more than I can ever express and do give the thumbs up and do dump money in the "Jar". I think education will go much further than any bashing, pictures, water cannons can do. Just my $0.02 worth. See you next Friday! Maybe someday I can meet up with someone to show me a legal off trail spot. Kinda worried about trespassing and such.

I agree the education will go much further! Also Please read the Biskets Closet link. I know the first time I read a post like that was from a groomer on the Fish Web. I learned a lot, than I past it on to my group.

Again keep up the great job and Thanks!


New member
As a groomer driver I don't like to watch sleds after they pass me because when I do....they are roosting up the ribbon and it is very frustrating. Dealing with inconsiderate aholes is another reason we don't ride trails anymore


New member
I wish there was a cure for stupid! Dave thanks for your hard work. Try not to let the aholes get you down. Just remember there are thousands of people who appreciate what you do for our sport.


New member
Totally agree with Ridesafe! As a groomer driver, I know how frustrating it can be. But in hindsight, I just keep telling myself that there will always be inconsiderate A-holes. And, it doesn't matter what sport/hobby you're talking about.

Hang in there Dave, just keep in mind those that ARE considerate and appreciate what we do... the ratio is far in our favor!


New member

No i've never intentionally ripped the trail up after the groomer. Most of the time so glad to see em'!