verizon's iphone


Not sure but when I got my iphone I thought at&t offered tethering to me at an additional cost? Not positive tho...It would be cool if VZ did it without any add' cost!!



New member

I've been waiting to hear this. I almost got a new phone this week but thought that I'd just wait for the iphone.

BTW, I have Verizon now and you can get a bunch of phones that offer tethering free of charge. In fact, on my Motorola Droid, you can just download an app and do it for free. The current models have it built in there and they're also wi fi hot spots.


New member

I have the HTC Incredible through also tethers...but at a monthly fee. It gave me a free trial, and it was awesome...while it lasted.


Active member
anyone planning to get this, it allow tethering (which att currently does not), but they have not released the data plan costs yet. Just curious how many verizon people have been waiting for this.

(which att currently does not)

Q: What data plans are available from AT&T for the iPhone ?
A: Answer. Quote:
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset;"> DataPro with Tethering - $45 per month gives you up to 2 GB of domestic data usage on your smartphone or while tethering to your laptop; additional usage is charged at $10 for 1 GB. </td> </tr> </tbody></table>
(That's $25.00/month for the 2GB DataPro plan plus an additional $20.00/mo for the tethering option.)

I'm on the 2GB DataPro plan (without tethering) and I have only used a small fraction of the available 2GB each month with just the iPhone.


New member
I have the Droid X and its $20 a month for the WiFi Hotspot. From a friend that works for Verizon the data plans should cost the same as the other Verizon data plans. So $30 a month for unlimted data and $20 a month for Wifi hotspot.


Sprint tethering is $30 per month unlimited. There is also a $10 per month charge for Droid phone network useage. I do about 2gb per month on the $30, tethered right now.


New member
The hot spot feature will be 2GB for $20 on top of the normal data plan. It will be a feature that you can add and delete on a monthly basis. While ATT curently offers the tether option but it does not work as a wifi hotspot as Verizon's will.Verizon will work with 5 WiFi devices. Your advantage with Verizon will be that all Verizon owned towers offer 3G Service including all UP Towers. ATT has thier closest 3G towers in Greenbay and Duluth areas. Its a no brainer. I work for Verizon. I also stated the facts.

I will be heading to the UP this month as next month will be NO TIME OFF. iPhone TSUNAMI!


New member

Q: What data plans are available from AT&T for the iPhone ?
A: Answer. Quote:
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset;"> DataPro with Tethering - $45 per month gives you up to 2 GB of domestic data usage on your smartphone or while tethering to your laptop; additional usage is charged at $10 for 1 GB. </td> </tr> </tbody></table>
(That's $25.00/month for the 2GB DataPro plan plus an additional $20.00/mo for the tethering option.)

I'm on the 2GB DataPro plan (without tethering) and I have only used a small fraction of the available 2GB each month with just the iPhone.
I must be a bandwidth hog....I have the 2gb plan from AT&T on my I-phone and I burn through most of it every month....and I have no tethering...I wish they still offered the unlimited....


New member
Blackberry has an app called "Tether" it works great on AT&T's network. The only downside it's $50 for the app..Works great on my Torch!


I have to verify this, but I was told today (pretty reliable source) that iPhone works on GSM platform, something that Verizon possibly does not utilize. There is a conversion that must take place....not a biggie....but from what I understand, you will not be able to multi-task (talk while accessing the web) from the Verizon phone.

Good to check into before making the move.


New member
thebluff, that is correct. For how big of a stink people made about this -- I find it quite funny. GSM is separate voice and data, unless the data is WiFi/WiMax. I'm a terrible multitask-er anyways, so it doesn't bother me. I like the tethering option so I'm hoping our cabin just out of Park Falls gets a signal so I can finally have internet in boofoo!


Active member
I have to verify this, but I was told today (pretty reliable source) that iPhone works on GSM platform, something that Verizon possibly does not utilize. There is a conversion that must take place....not a biggie....but from what I understand, you will not be able to multi-task (talk while accessing the web) from the Verizon phone.

Good to check into before making the move.

You are correct, you can not use the phone while using the internet.

I currently have ATT with the old unlimited plan :)
I have a treo 750 that has the tethering app built in and att cant stop you from using it even if not paying for their tethering plan. I just have unlimited data. They used to offer this and they are not taking it away from those that had it.
The iPhone on ATT has to be jail breaked and you can tether for free also.
I really want a new motorola android OS phone on the ATT network. If that does not happen soon, I am going with a new crackberry.

The Apostate

New member
I think what bothers me the most is Verizon touting their 4G LTE plan but not offering a 4G iPhone. Why should I buy a new phone that will be outdated in a few months when AT&T will probably be dropping a 4G iPhone soon? In my experience I've never been happier with a service than I have been with Verizon but I think they are dropping the ball here bigtime. I'll stick with my CrackBerry as long as I can stand it and maybe switch to a Droid phone after that, all the while pining for a 4G iPhone. Verizon missed the target on this one.


I posted a news link on this a month or so ago.....4G is a myth and is very honestly false advertising. at&t I am told will be participating in the same thing soon....dont fall for it.

i am no expert but here is how it has been explained to me. The carriers are putting 4G antenna equipment on the towers, then calling them 4G. All towers are connected to each other via landlines. 3G requires at least 3 landlines, 4G requires 6 of them. They seperate data-text-voice across these lines to achieve that speed.

I think 4G is defined as 100MPS and about 1/3 of that speed is actually is what is achieved. So, while they have the top of the tower as 4G, it is like hooking a fire hose to a garden still get the volume of a garden hose.

There is no carrier that really has 4G and it is not expected anytime in the near future. In fact it is believed it will be irrelevant by the time it is achieved.

I would save my money if it were me and stick to 3G.


New member
I posted a news link on this a month or so ago.....4G is a myth and is very honestly false advertising. at&t I am told will be participating in the same thing soon....dont fall for it.

i am no expert but here is how it has been explained to me. The carriers are putting 4G antenna equipment on the towers, then calling them 4G. All towers are connected to each other via landlines. 3G requires at least 3 landlines, 4G requires 6 of them. They seperate data-text-voice across these lines to achieve that speed.

I think 4G is defined as 100MPS and about 1/3 of that speed is actually is what is achieved. So, while they have the top of the tower as 4G, it is like hooking a fire hose to a garden still get the volume of a garden hose.

There is no carrier that really has 4G and it is not expected anytime in the near future. In fact it is believed it will be irrelevant by the time it is achieved.

I would save my money if it were me and stick to 3G.

It doesnt matter what people say about what is TRUE 4G and what is not. The fact of the matter is that Verizon has an LTE Network the says 5 - 12 Megabits download speed and 2 - 5 Megabits upload speed. Real life speeds are showing much higher in Minneapolis. 10 - 20 download and 5-10 upload. The plan is cover the entire Verizon network with these speeds by the end of 2013. With that said here is a bit of information on the network from 3G to 4G. CDMA 3G on Verizon will run from .75 - 1.5 Megabits Download and .25 - .75 on the Upload. 3G runs on the 800mhz CDMA frequency. The entirely NEW LTE runs on 700mhz. Why is the mhz so important to LTE? Because the equiptmet will be added to the existing towers and this means better coverage per tower then 3G. The signal will streach further and penatrate stuctures better. This means the need to add new cell sites to fill in will be at a minimum. Saves alot of $$$. Im not going to say that All the other cariers have a terrible network again. What I will say is Sprint, Att & Tmobile all have a plan to move to LTE as Verizon has done. In the mean time those 3 will market their enhanced 3G as a 4G network. Sprint actually rents a 4G network from ClearWire that experiences speeds half of Verizons LTE Network.


I had to do some reading as I was unsure of the LTE mentioned. I am told that at&t 3g networks are on the GSM platform and that the 2g uses Edge techonolgy...the conversion as I understood is to GSM as that is required for 3g and is something that Verizon and others will likely have to do in the future.

There is a reason Apple went with at&t exclusive. The GSM network is superior and is the only one (I am told) that will truely give justice to the iPhone (and other smartphones).

It seems LTE is the most recent line of GSM from what I read. at&t has that wherever their is 3g....but that still does not change the 4g myth...again from what I am told.

All much deep than I care to even wrap my brain around. If your brain capacity is greater than mine and you want to know and understand with certainty....I would surely do my homework. To me it is not all that important (4g) as we do not have even 3g here yet.

But, there is some false advertising as near as I can tell and I feel it important to at least put the bug out there for folks to look into. It is not an at&t favoritism thing either...I believe they are to jump on the 4g bandwagon soon.

As with all things, if you tell a half truth (which I think this is) long enough....people will buy it. Do the research (if you care) and draw your own conclusion. Personally, I love 3g and wifi!


New member
This week I bought my son and daughter the Apple iPhone 3G S from the AT and T store. They are selling for fifty dollars and eighteen dollars to activate. That is an awesome deal. I think this whole speed thing has way too many variables to get all worked up about your g speed. Now, I'm off to replace my nine year old eMac with a new iMac. The iPhone 3G S is selling for the 50/18 all over.


This week I bought my son and daughter the Apple iPhone 3G S from the AT and T store. They are selling for fifty dollars and eighteen dollars to activate. That is an awesome deal. I think this whole speed thing has way too many variables to get all worked up about your g speed. Now, I'm off to replace my nine year old eMac with a new iMac. The iPhone 3G S is selling for the 50/18 all over.

yup...lowered price. ironically, this week we decided to drop the iPhone from our store. we found time and time again when we have a customer try a droid (like the Captivate), the iPhone sits on the shelf. I think Apple is going to have to crap a miracle soon if more people jump.

still carry accessories for Apple...but once I sell the ones I have...Onto will not have an iPhone retailer anymore.