Vibrancy of fall colors this year?


Active member
I live near Duluth, MN. Any thoughts on how the hot summer might impact fall colors in my neck of the woods? Or is there not much of a correlation?

For those of you in the U.P., have you heard about how your color show might turn out this year?
I have no idea about how the vibrancy of color is going to correlate to the strange, early spring and hot summer but the color is already starting here in the Western UP. HWY 45 N from Land O' to Watersmeet has select sections that are turning with a few (just a few) red already. We were in Ironwood a week ago and it seemed sporatic along US2 also. Also took a trip to Escanaba for the UP State Fair last Saturday and although I can't recall alot of color change present, I did notice alot of apples were already ripe over there whereas my apples are probably weeks away from harvesting.



New member
There was a story on the news lastnight about the color change already, there is more color this year then past years at the same time. They said with the warm early spring that they think it might be an early color year, trees budded out early and they might change and drop earlier then previous years.


fair amount of color now in my area, Greenland, Mass City, Ontonagon, Rockland


New member
We got colors changing in central west Mi already. leaves fallen why? lack of rain????? trees dying????? bugs???? cold one night in last 129 nights?? puts us into a tizzy? mystery, ohhh nooo! mother nature has us fooled??? Acorns are pretty big this year.


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As someone going for a major in environmental science, I would generally guess the stress caused by above average temperatures and below average rainfall that has occured in much of the Midwest.


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Everyday they are changing fast here in NWWI, calm before the storm, just closer to winter..................YIPPEEE can't wait to see snow, hopefully!


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The Foliage Network has started up their seasonal color reports. The first report from September 1 can be viewed here:

From the report:
"So what does this mean for the fall foliage? Typically, long-term dry weather leads to fall colors emerging earlier than normal. Of course, exactly how much earlier is not known, but it could be one to two weeks early. The dry weather may also result in a slightly shorter season as the leaves could drop sooner than normal."