Vilas NorthEast / Iron County MI west


Looking for a little input from say goofy and others that know this area. Thinking of doing a loop Saturday from say Caspain to Watersmeet, Cisco, Lando, then east on 6 to maybe IC 15 and back. Does not matter which direction we start/finish, but thoughts on how 6 east and IC 15 fare on Saturdays, with warm weather and traffic? Free Michigan weekend too! I know 2 will deteriorate, 15 north is closed, 3 to Lando will get ridden, but appreciate thoughts on if this is worth it this weekend? Have some people who work way too much and ride way too little, and this is the only remaining weekend they can ride. Thanks.


Well-known member
Your route depends on grooming and when temps drop below freezing. Iron County will groom 2 late afternoons if temps well below freezing. Brule and Phelps won’t groom until wee hours in the AM. Weekend riding is always risky condition wise personally I won’t deal with it. Good luck 👍


Well-known member
Get going early like no later than 8am and stay in the woods on those trails, they should still be really nice through the weekend, what appens next week will tell if can get through the warmup. We also will need a nice blast of 8-12"new snow but who knows what will happen, If I was not living here I would get up and ride if I could this weekend. JMO