Virgina or Hibbing MN


Bummer you decided to call it. I know by saturday night the trails will be thin and some corners bald, but all the clubs have groomed up here this week and the trails are great right now. Don't get me wrong, the high 40's coming are not going to do the trails any good, but i think you would've had some good riding.

58 degrees yesterday. Hard to believe what 1 day of those temps can do to perfect trails. I would say Orr and North is your best bet. 2 more days of this and it will be over.


Active member
58 degrees yesterday. Hard to believe what 1 day of those temps can do to perfect trails. I would say Orr and North is your best bet. 2 more days of this and it will be over.

Looking like possible big snow Friday though might be enough to bring it back?
To bad so much warm, another dumping up there it could've been a banner year. It's been several years since I've rode that area. Had plans of making it this year
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Well-known member
175 today was pretty good actually, last 25 got tough in a few places, but only needing 75 more for 3K? I know where to go tomorrow for GOOD riding up here to get that much...... Trails were solid until about noon, and took most of the day to soften up on the more used trails. LOTS of people up here this weekend, most of the season by far. But its toast without a good dumping and cold temps to groom again.
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I think it will take around 6-8 inches to get the groomers out again. All of the snow that is still on the trails is hard as cement. The good news is all of the swamps refroze because of all the cold temps we have had in the past 5 days.


I think it will take around 6-8 inches to get the groomers out again. All of the snow that is still on the trails is hard as cement. The good news is all of the swamps refroze because of all the cold temps we have had in the past 5 days.

Anything worth trailering up for next week oldguy? I am guessing not but just figured I would ask anyways in the event there is a chance.



We put on 150 miles in the past 2 days and it is not good. We did not get the snow that Duluth got yesterday. Lake Vermilion has just enough snow to ride and there was traction. We went to Burndtside today and the portages between the lakes were ok, burndtside was icy. I think we are going to trailer to the NST tomorrow and check that out.


Thank you for the update it is appreciated. I figured that.
We put on 150 miles in the past 2 days and it is not good. We did not get the snow that Duluth got yesterday. Lake Vermilion has just enough snow to ride and there was traction. We went to Burndtside today and the portages between the lakes were ok, burndtside was icy. I think we are going to trailer to the NST tomorrow and check that out.