was sent to me; like the crowd to forward


Well-known member
I have a boat cover that will be trying that stuff out this week if it is stocked at HD.
I wounder if that is the same stuff klim uses on there $60 underpants


Well-known member
got some yesterday.
looks to be a 2 part rattle can deal.
on the end caps at Home Depot.
have not opened the box yet. will be trying out on boat cover first. was also thinking tunnel and skid ?


Super Moderator
Staff member
got some yesterday.
looks to be a 2 part rattle can deal.
on the end caps at Home Depot.
have not opened the box yet. will be trying out on boat cover first. was also thinking tunnel and skid ?

Tunnel and skid for sure!


Yeah, before you use this product you might want to read the Home Depot reviews. It sounds like it discolors just about everything to a certain degree, only lasts a time or two before flaking off, etc... I was pretty stoked when I watched the You Tube video but then after reading the reviews it sounds like it is not close to perfection yet.


Well-known member
well it was 20 bucks and the receipt reads as water block .
seeing as I picked it up when getting some supply's for a T&M shower re do looks like it will be no money out of my pocket .
in fact I will be making 15% on it