Was Steve Avery proved guilty?


Active member
And unless there is new evidence, it won't matter what lawyer he has. Now with Brandon, I think you could state he did not have good representation.

Read up on the lawyer, she wont take a case unless she can win. She will throw her own money around because there is going to be book and other movie deals when this is over. They claim there is better science that will help. I'm not defending Avery, I could care less. I think the real point the doc was trying to get across is the corruption of not one but two cases.

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What I would like to know is how many of you have ever talked to any of Steves family? I have I worked with one of his family members and that person did not have any kind words to speak of him or what he had done. How many of you have talked to any of his old friends? I have and that person did not have anything good to say about Steve. And how many of you actually followed the trial? I did. The makers of the TV show that so many of you watched would not even comment when asked if they thought he was guilty. What's up with that. Some of his own children think he is guilty. Did the Sheriff plant evidence? I do not know. Is he GUILTY absolutely. That Monster raped , tortured, Murdered and then tried to hide and cover up his madness for that he will pay with his sole. I hope all this crap blows over soon so Teresas family can move on. RIP Teresa Halbach.

Is Steve the only big f up of the family? Is the rest of the family really as dumb as they made them seam? Just curious. Seams like a business like they have could have really made some money


Well-known member
durphee His opinion does not matter because it wont change a thing. I could care less what you think about my opinion. And how do you know how many people were in the courtroom were you there or did you see that on your TV show not that it matters the jury was there and he was proven guilty.

So you do care even less, or may be couldn't care less? And it wasn't my TV show, I didn't produce it nor did I watch it.


Yes they are. There gene pool dried up a many generations ago. I have in the past bought car parts from his families salvage yard that was when he was in prison the last time. I do not why anybody would go there now?
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Well-known member
Avery case is going no where no matter what a TV show says. The man was found guilty of a horrendous crime by a jury trial. Teresa was just trying to do her job & lost her life for that process. As a father of 4 daughters about her age at the same time trying to make their way in the job market it was very difficult to deal with what he did to her. That man is pure evil needs to be locked up until he dies in jail so he is unable to hurt anyone else.


New member
Everyone is entitled to their opinions..wrong or right. There have been many murder cases where a TV show looks at it and presents the case in a favorable way one way or the other. I think this is one of those times. I havent watched the Netflix story but Ive heard plenty about it and some who Ive talked to think he's not guilty now too. Evidence is twisted in the stories to not show you the real straight forward facts. There was a story on yahoo awhile back from a seasoned forensics person that debunked most all of the so called bad evidence points in this case. My opinion is that this POS did in fact do it and is where he belongs...his next stop is ****. I live 20 minutes from Mishicot where this guy lived on his families junk yard and he is a monster of a person. He has a committed many terrible things to animals and people. He once ran a Sheriffs deputy's wife off the road and threatened to kill her. Hmmm. Also, if anyone on here thinks he didnt do it then WHO do they think did it? The sheriffs dept didnt kill this young girl and dismember and burn her in a barrel. A close family friend was detective on the dept when this was going on and later became the Manitowoc Sherriff and they surely didnt have any wrong doing. Maybe in a big city like NY you have someone that woulf do it but even thats a stretch to kill someone. In the end my opinion is that the correct person is where he should be ( I wouldve put a bullet in the fat MFer if he killed my sister) and he will die in there also...


They found her car hidden under some brush in the back of his property, his DNA (sweat) on the hood, her charred remains in his burn barrell, and his own cousin said Avery chained her to the bed and abused her - and that's not all. Guilty