Water skipping, Flagstaff AZ style...


Active member
We'll see if this works, it is an animated GIF.
Nope, it posted as a still image only, no animation! Sorry! Image deleted.:(
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Well-known member
Oh well at least it is spelled right with correct punctuation and that is all that really matters.


Active member
Animated GIFs?

Unless I'm hallucinatin' today, I could swear I've both seen and posted animated GIFs here before, or maybe that was on the old forum? (Oh, and score one fer ezra! :p)


New member
Wold expect!!??

Sorry, it's not on any web site, at least to my knowledge. :(
(And it's probably not what you wold expect! :) )

Nash, I hope that was a simple slip, otherwise...... I was expecting something like "wood", "wud", "Kud", "Shud". Hope ya are doin' Gud!



Active member
Nash, I hope that was a simple slip, otherwise...... I was expecting something like "wood", "wud", "Kud", "Shud". Hope ya are doin' Gud!


Naw, I wuz jus' testin youse folks, after ezra's:
Oh well at least it is spelled right with correct punctuation and that is all that really matters.

Of course you believe that, right? :p
(Either that or that's what I get for rushin' to post a quick message while running late for my cardiac rehab session.)
<hr width="75%" size="2">Added Tuesday 3/23/2010 o/a 8:45AM MST (11:45AM EDT).
In fact, although I find spelling and grammar to be instinctive, I never formally learned "touch typing", except that I've been banging a keyboard for over 50 years, so I have developed some skill from that — so much so that I can barely scribble a legible signature on a check anymore (but who really writes checks these days, eh?).

So I will acknowledge occasional typos, some of which I may not catch when proofreading. The latter task is complicated a bit this week since I broke my glasses (Titanium frames, no less! Next time I'd better get some made of indestructium! ). I've been struggling along with a distant-vision only correction, so no near vision.
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Active member
So is that [cardiac rehab] what they call golf now days???
No, they're trying to make a "gym bunny" out of me, working on various exercise machines while wearing a heart monitor.

The good news, I've got my cholesterol numbers and blood pressure under control, lost 20 pounds, and I'm beginning to develop vestiges of abs; no, not a "six-pack", nor an "eight-pack", more like a keg! :) But not too bad for an old fossil who has made a career out of avoiding any exercise other than fingers on the computer keyboard, eh?