Waukesha to Eagle River


New member
Question for folks in the Milw. area. My daughter is driving from Waukesha to Eagle River. Is it better to drive to Madison, then north or take 41 to Oshkosh, then 45 up? I know it's 4 lane 90% of the way going 94 to 39/51. I'm originally from the Madtown area and transplanted to GB, so we know both routes. She's going up to visit her grandparents (my in-laws).


Active member
I live in Watertown, halfway between Mil and Mad. I go up 2-lane HWY 26 to 41 just south of Oshkosh, to 45 up to Antigo. I can tell you in is about 20-30 mins. faster going this way, than going to Madison up on 39. It is also much better on MPG. You are already near 41, 4 lane up to 45, 4 lane and its 4 lane to just south of New London. I wouldnt even think about going to Madison up if I were you. I bet it would take 60 mins longer to go to Madison up, vs 41 up for you.


New member
Have her take the interstate (your first choice),...
Quicker, and less of a headache.
My travelling 2cents.


Well-known member
Question for folks in the Milw. area. My daughter is driving from Waukesha to Eagle River. Is it better to drive to Madison, then north or take 41 to Oshkosh, then 45 up? I know it's 4 lane 90% of the way going 94 to 39/51. I'm originally from the Madtown area and transplanted to GB, so we know both routes. She's going up to visit her grandparents (my in-laws).

i would go up 41 and take 45 north. 45 is scenic but then again i'm not old enough to drive


New member
Not sure of the routes but a question is how old is daughter and what are the areas she could breakdown and be alone in on these routes?


New member
Don't take 51, if she lives in Waukesha take 41 north to hwy 10 west to hwy 45 north to eagle river, hours longer the other way.


New member
There is no way from Waukesha that going up 41 is faster than 39/51, especially by hours...ridiculous.

With the 16 by pass complete around Oconomowoc and now 4 lane to Watertown, she can take 16 to Portage and perhaps save a little time. You can save even more time with this route around Mad town on busy travel days.

If she takes 41, essentially two lane from New London to ER...thats over 100 miles with too numerous towns to count along the way.
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Active member
There is no way from Waukesha that going up 41 is faster than 39/51, especially by hours...ridiculous.

With the 16 by pass complete around Oconomowoc and now 4 lane to Watertown, she can take 16 to Portage and perhaps save a little time. You can save even more time with this route around Mad town on busy travel days.

If she takes 41, essentially two lane from New London to ER...thats over 100 miles with too numerous towns to count along the way.

Sorry dude, I go to Antigo over 15 times a year. I live 20 miles closer to Madison than the posters kid. I have gone both ways many times, and it is much faster going up HWY 45. I understand ER is 50-60 mins north off Antigo. You would slow down to 45 in Pelican Lake, and whatever it is in Three Lakes. You cannot get to Eagle River from my house, which is 20 miles or so west of Waukesha, faster doing the legal speed limit, or even doing 10 over, then going up to 41 to 45.
16 north to Portage is at best 10 min faster. You still gotta go through Watertown, Columbus, Rio, and Portage to get to 39. Still not nearly as fast as getting to 41 then 45.


Active member
Not sure of the routes but a question is how old is daughter and what are the areas she could breakdown and be alone in on these routes?

I get cell reception the entire way to Antigo. Not sure after that. 45 is a fairly well used road. There are also houses the entire way, except just past Monico just south of ER, it gets a little scarce.


New member
I recommend 41 to 45 as well. Yes you run the risk of it being 2 lane most of the way, but keep it at the speed limit and it is no problem. This is Wisnconsin, not Nebraska or Wyoming. You are never more than 15 minutes from open gas station or other.

I would caution that you do have to follow the signs pretty well on 45 as you are merging on and off or other highways at times (merging off of hwy 10 and joining and merging off of highway 29). As long as you pay attention to the signs it will definitely get you up there quicker.

As a third option, she could always take 41 to 10 to Stevens Point and hook up with 51 there. That route is longer than 45 all the way, but at least you avoid going way west to Madison...



New member
Thanks for some of the responses. I know the highways in the state of Wis. very well. I was looking for an opinion from people that drive up north often from Milwaukee. I lived most of my life by Madison so I could drive to ER almost blind folded from there. I've lived in GB area for over 8 years, so I know 29 to 45 and all the bumps inthe road on that route.
My daughter and her boyfriend (both 20) went up last Friday afternoon and took 41 to 45. She is a very good navigater, like her dad, so whatever route she took was fine. My concern was the chance of snow, that never amounted to doodly.
Heading up to Lake Tom this weekend myself.
"Keep the rubber side down"
