Waving your buddy through that stop sign.


New member
I see this all the time and have to ask myself, who in their right mind would put there life in another riders hand by him/her waving u through a stop sign.
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I spend a ton of time driving in the area each week. Last two weeks have shocked me. From Dollar Bay to Hancock, I have seen dozens and dozens of sleds go thru stop signs on the trail without doing more than slowing down a little.

Most of the areas I see were good visibility so it wasnt really a safety issue but with all the reports of ticketing that is going on....

Must be enforcement is light in that stretch.


New member
I spend a ton of time driving in the area each week. Last two weeks have shocked me. From Dollar Bay to Hancock, I have seen dozens and dozens of sleds go thru stop signs on the trail without doing more than slowing down a little.

Most of the areas I see were good visibility so it wasnt really a safety issue but with all the reports of ticketing that is going on....

Must be enforcement is light in that stretch.

All of the stop signs between Hancock and Dollar Bay are for driveways. A stop sign isn't always a stop sign for some people. I was driving along there last night at 60mph, and there were two sled keeping up with my truck, even though they were suppose to stop at all those stop signs. I think they were going 70 or 80, and maybe they'd slow down to 40 or 50 for the driveways. Pretty ridiculous.


Well-known member
Not true I look for them all the time & ride accordingly depending on outlook. Anybody saying they stop for every stop sign is less than honest & would need new brake pads every year. lol I have engine braking with my 4s so makes it easier for me to slow down but 2s will keep rolling along & have to use brake. Just the way it & easy target for tickets.


New member
Not true I look for them all the time & ride accordingly depending on outlook. Anybody saying they stop for every stop sign is less than honest & would need new brake pads every year. lol I have engine braking with my 4s so makes it easier for me to slow down but 2s will keep rolling along & have to use brake. Just the way it & easy target for tickets.

This is the reason that MDNR is considering taking all the cautionary signs down before coming to a corner. There is a slogan "SPEED KILLS". Riders take it upon themselves to ride from sign to sign at their own disrecretion and fail to recognize the saftey of others hence leading to accidents.

One should ride no further than 80% of your ability according to condtions this leaves the remaining to correct yourself in an unforseen event.


New member
I see this all the time and have to ask myself, who in their right mind would put there life in another riders hand by him/her waving u through a stop sign.

Agreed 100 percent we do it all the time under the guise that its a preliminary sign. Its every man for himself out there. Cars can show up at any second , the intial wave basically only means its ok now while i am crossing and I dont see any eminent danger but you should check for your darn self!!


. Anybody saying they stop for every stop sign is less than honest & would need new brake pads every year.

Boy...brakes are cheap compared to dead. I saw a lot today out there. Keep in mind I drive several thousand miles per month in the Keewenaw. Much of it lately has been Ontonagon to Lake Linden.

Today I saw a group of 18-20 sleds all slow to maybe 30 on the Hancock-Dollar Bay stretch. The lead guy had it at 60 or so and never slowed for any of them...then sat up just before the gas station and waited for his group.

Student driver today on that same street a block before the gas station. Two sleds, almost to a stop, looked only to the left, never saw us on the right. I pegged the brakes, I would not call it a near miss...but scared the $%^&$ out of me and the kids.

Then just an hr ago, the crossing of the hwy between the Mosquito and Twin Lakes....a dude sat at the road, waved another sled by...my best estimate was this dude was doing 70-80 when he crossed the highway. Very close to me, not a near miss (inside of 150' in front of me)....but made me slam my brakes and nearly poo'd my pants again.

I will say it like it is folks...STOP MEANS STOP. I dont care if it is only a driveway. Remember, a good share of those driveways are easements over PRIVATE property. I know if I would ever have a near miss in my own drive....I would sure consider pulling my easement. Dont like the stop after stop? Well then dont ride in town.

Probably gonna crank someone with that comment....but obey the law. You are dangerous when you think it doesnt apply to you. I am pretty sure in a car-sled crash who would walk and who would not.

Just as a sidenote...since this thread came up, I have paid attention. If you eliminate the higway crossings south of Houghton and those times when a car happens to actually be blocking a street....I have not seen a single sled stop at a stop sign. In the last week, I have spent about 40hrs on the road in this area.

It went from observations to plain pissing me off when that guy blew across the hwy in front of me. Stepping off my soap box.


wave thru

Never wave any of my crew/ team thru... They all know it's up to them to stop and look both ways!
If I go thru, don't mean it's clear for them......

Ride em if you got em


Well-known member
Nobody should be blowing thru a hwy stop sign unless they want to die! I blew 1 at night in 10,000 miles of riding didn't see it & got lucky no cars.....then wiped the brown stuff off the sled seat. What we are talking about is slowing & rolling thru driveway stop signs with good out look HUGE difference. You don't ride sleds so your are taking a auto driving instructor point of view to sleddin. That's fine but nobody stopping for every stop sign on trail just NEVER happen. Total agreement no one should be blowing thru hwy stop sign under any circumstance. At highways I stop stand up look both ways 4 times wait for traffic or proceed. You are in sled hot spot so seeing a lot of dumb stuff on regular bases. This does not go on everywhere or sledddin death toll would be skyrocketing. I thought the death toll on sleds was down this year in MI & WI so overall we are improving...... at least I hope so.:)


I don't ride but have, not the teacher speaking. Slowing to 30-40 is not rolling. I am not a letter of the law guy. What I see is not the exception, it was common.


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Nobody should be blowing thru a hwy stop sign unless they want to die! I blew 1 at night in 10,000 miles of riding didn't see it & got lucky no cars.....then wiped the brown stuff off the sled seat. What we are talking about is slowing & rolling thru driveway stop signs with good out look HUGE difference. You don't ride sleds so your are taking a auto driving instructor point of view to sleddin. That's fine but nobody stopping for every stop sign on trail just NEVER happen. Total agreement no one should be blowing thru hwy stop sign under any circumstance. At highways I stop stand up look both ways 4 times wait for traffic or proceed. You are in sled hot spot so seeing a lot of dumb stuff on regular bases. This does not go on everywhere or sledddin death toll would be skyrocketing. I thought the death toll on sleds was down this year in MI & WI so overall we are improving...... at least I hope so.:)

LOL, do you ignore stop signs in your car then? You know, its night, no headlights are seen, no reason to stop right? I love it when people say it's ok to roll certain stop signs. Did you pass that trait onto your kids?


Well-known member
LOL, do you ignore stop signs in your car then? You know, its night, no headlights are seen, no reason to stop right? I love it when people say it's ok to roll certain stop signs. Did you pass that trait onto your kids?

Nope all girls & they don't ride snowmobiles & just what did you pass on to your kids? Starting in on MY faimily is unjust. Disagree with me NOT THEM!! What the................!!!! :mad:


New member
my 02.......your not waving them thru as much as telling them that its clear......stop means stop.......I believe your helping the guy behind you......that way if you hold the stop fist up they also know a car is coming.......I have been the leader in our groups for many many many years and not one time have i given the "ALL clear" sign and the next guy not stop thats just crazy.....we use hand signals on the trail when its safe we also have riders who are not capable of taking hands off handlebars so thats fine also....


New member
if it was my family and not my grown adult friends i would stop...get off sled.....watch roadway and stand there till all my family was across...."not blocking roadway" safety is key here and helpin less of riders to learn the right way.........


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Staff member
Nope all girls & they don't ride snowmobiles & just what did you pass on to your kids? Starting in on MY faimily is unjust. Disagree with me NOT THEM!! What the................!!!! :mad:

I worded that wrong, my apologies. :eek:

My point I was trying to make was this, kids learn traits from their parents. If the parent rolls stop signs, the kids will too.

Again, my apologies.