Waving your buddy through that stop sign.


Well-known member
I worded that wrong, my apologies. :eek:

My point I was trying to make was this, kids learn traits from their parents. If the parent rolls stop signs, the kids will too.

Again, my apologies.

I accept your apologies. I never posted one word about my family or 4 daughters so let's keep it real! Stop or don't stop at stop signs but don't drag my family into any of this. I'm very protective of my girls & always will be! Way off base IMO.


waving people through, I pray doesn't mean the rider should trust the signal. I don't trust hand signals from sledders informing me of how many sledders in the group. I ride with my OWN instincts. Occasionally I do signal out of an old habit but prefer not to.

As far as stopping at stop signs, I do every time at highways. Driveways I usually slow to a near stop, sometimes roll em at 5-10 mph, just being honest. If I get a ticket I deserve it. I do stand to see it's safe, good enough for me
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Active member
waving people through, I pray doesn't mean the rider should trust and signal. I don't trust hand signals from sledders informing me of how many sledders in the group. I ride with my OWN instincts. Occasionally I do signal out of an old habit but prefer not to.

As far as stopping at stop signs, I do every time at highways. Driveways I usually slow to a near stop, sometimes roll em at 5-10 mph, just being honest. If I get a ticket I deserve it. I do stand to see it's safe, good enough for me


Agreed 100 % with what your saying and since I've almost been hit twice this year, didn't see the vehicle either time and yes I stopped, Snow banks almost did me in ( on 3 just north of houghton and South Range), I've told my buddies, that their on their own at each stop sign and not to trust my judgement.
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I stop for every stop sign when in town(even when there is one every 50 feet). If you don't, your just asking to be pulled over. And i have to agree that kids are always watching what we do. We are all role models for them. STOP means STOP, no exceptions!


Well-known member
I was in the weston area when me and my dad took a break at a stop sign and here comes a group of about 8, the first person looked, waved them on, and all 8 of them never stopped, tapped their brakes, or looked each way. We started up and followed em, they didn't stop at a single stop sign, never saw a brake light, i was amazed that they're still alive. I'll admit, I make plenty of rolling stops, but nothing like these guys!


Well-known member
Why is this in the Ride board section?
Indy, shame shame, you slow and go? I don't believe it! ha.

I make plenty of stops, but riding in my area, you cross a road every half mile. We need to utilize yield signs more in my area rather than stop, there are some useless ones out there. There's this place in stephensville where they put 3 stop signs in a row in the middle of a woods where it's obvious there is a trail thru there, but it's unplowed and untouched all winter, yet there is a stop sign. The dnr likes to sit there and bust sledders for not stopping in the middle of a woods where there is no stop ahead signs.


New member
We got stopped outside of Woodruff Wis saturday night for a similar scenario. I was leading the group and was ridn the grade towards the casino.I stop at the stop signs and my friends didnt completly stop. The LCO cop had the dnr cop stopped us and checked our registration and drivers liscene. We were not drinking but I think that was the main reason for the stop. we got let off with a verbal warning. I stop all the time because I've seen the aftermath of a guy not looking both ways.
Missing signs



New member
Hand Signals

And to you who almost ran me off the trail this weekend, failing to tell me how many in your group. Yea you may have the coolest new sled with all the new clothing, but your still an idiot. And the last person in the group, let me know. Get a clue. Sure can tell your from out of town! Don't leave your common sense at the state line.


New member
And to you who almost ran me off the trail this weekend, failing to tell me how many in your group. Yea you may have the coolest new sled with all the new clothing, but your still an idiot. And the last person in the group, let me know. Get a clue. Sure can tell your from out of town! Don't leave your common sense at the state line.
I second that! If you can signal without risking anything ok. But it does make me feel safer knowing how many are coming behind ya.


New member
A few years back at the crossing of HWy 45 south of Watersmeet, a Dodge Mega Cab hit a snowmobiler. Word was back in Lando that this person was waived through by his buddy.

No Thanks - not for me.


New member
I was there after the accident on 45 south of the casino. the gentleman who passed was a 70 yr old man. I spoke to his brother that said he didnt look both ways before he crossed. not a pretty sight . I was there before the ambulance and the truck was totaled.


Active member
And to you who almost ran me off the trail this weekend, failing to tell me how many in your group. Yea you may have the coolest new sled with all the new clothing, but your still an idiot. And the last person in the group, let me know. Get a clue. Sure can tell your from out of town! Don't leave your common sense at the state line.

Of course it was out-of-staters riding like that. All the Wisconsin people were too busy getting hammered in the bars. They don't even like to ride!