Way to go Mr Rogers MI


New member
Common Sense

That guy can't be in government, he makes way too much sense and is speaking logically.


Ok, here goes- Mr Rogers clearly does not get it. Watch the video again, and he says that there are 15% of Americans who don't have coverage, and we are going to punish the other 85% WHO HAVE EARNED COVERAGE THROUGH THEIR EMPLOYERS. With this statement your precious Mr. Rogers has unilaterally obliterated the entire self employed population of the US. The guy who owns your gas station, the person who owns the beer and burger joint you go to, the couple who owns the resort you stay in to go sledding, and the guy who owns your sled dealership are self-employed! Their health insurance premiums are their second largest expense in their lives, second only to the mortgage on their business! My health insurance costs more than my house payment! It has doubled, DOUBLED, over the last 7 years! Yet, I have had no disease or hospitalization. The deductible is so high that it prevents me from getting routine health maintenance procedures like a colonoscopy. Yet, people like Mr. Rogers claim that this works for me! IT DOES NOT! People WITH HEALTH INSURANCE are routinely denied coverage under their existing policies for which they are paying exorbitant rates. We cannot shop because of pre-exisiting conditions, which may be determined after a claim is filed. Medical costs are the number one cause of bankruptcy in America and it is NOT limited to the uninsured!
Mr. Rogers analogy on cancer survivor rates is a false argument. The quality of health care in America is second to none. The ATTAINABILITY of health care in America is the problem. The breast cancer survivor rate for the victim who died is 0. And yet, that husband and wife team that owns that resort where you go sledding is horribly unprepared for that occurence EVEN IF THEY HAVE INSURANCE!
The Democrats health plan is not the answer. But somehow, somewhere, we have to fix the attainability issue. The price of my motel rooms has not doubled over the last 7 years, nor has the cost of gas, beer, or food! But yet Mr Rogers says "let the marketplace figure it out." Meanwhile, in the middle of this debate, insurance companies have announced 25-40% rate increases again this year!

Tomorrow I turn 57. I have been self employed for 7 years. The biggest concern in my life is health insurance. I cannot shop around because I have high blood pressure. Why? Because it runs in the family. It is not my fault, it is not like negligent driving. And yet, I will be forced to cut benefits yet again this year to control costs.

I am 57 years old. I was born in America and have lived here all my life. I went to public schools and a public university. I worked in corporate most of my life. I used FHA loans to buy my houses in the suburbs. I used the SBA to help finance my business. I pay my taxes, and always have. I pay my bills and have an excellent credit rating. I have done volunteer work. My yard is clean, I drive Chevys. I am your perfect neighbor. You can use my heated shop to fix your sled, you can borrow my tools, and by the way the beer fridge is full. My wife of 33 years is as beautiful as the day I met her, we are happy and well adjusted.

Why do the health insurance companies and Mr Rogers want me to die?


Well-known member
"Why do the health insurance companies and Mr Rogers want me to die?"
Thats not over the top at all...ahem....

Kinda hypocrtical to say that you DON'T like the democrats plan, but on the other hand you DO want the rest of society to pay for your coverage.
You talk about accessability,...do you honestly think a gov. run system will fix that?
You say you worked corporate,....I guess that it wasn't at a "corporate" insurance co. that this GRH plan is out to destroy....or don't you give a damn about them now that you have retired to the north woods?
So we have private ins. co. that are very successful and in the BLACK and we want to strip coverage from them and give control to a GOVERNMENT that is so far in the RED they might never get out! Thats logical?
Mr. Rogers main point was that this SHOULD NOT be a take it or leave it scenario as the Dems. have presented it.
The Dems MO is to create a false crisis and then say we need to RUSH through and pass there wonderful solution as quick as possible,....nevermind whats in it ,...you'll get that info AFTER we pass it, but we assure you it WILL be wonderful....


At no point, at all, ever, did I say I wanted the rest of society to pay for my coverage! No, not at all, not in my post. What I am saying is that the ATTAINABILITY of health care in the US is an unbelievable burden to the self-employed and Mr Rogers just dismissing us with his "85% of those people getting insurance through their employers" is a misstatement that overlooks a vast number of people in the US who are hardworking. I AM NOT RETIRED, I AM SELF-EMPLOYED! I own 2 businesses. I AM NOT RETIRED! I never asked for society to pay for my health care. What I am asking for is to make it more attainable for the class of people that Mr Rogers has just dismissed.

Health insurance premiums that have doubled in 7 years, are increasing another 25-40% this year, denying coverage for pre-exisiting conditions, minimizing competition is NOT a FALSE CRISIS! It is real, and it affects hardworking every day citizens that own businesses. These are people you know and businesses you use.

Again, to be sure you stand corrected, at no point in my post did I say, or ask for, the "the rest of society to pay for my coverage." I am asking for fair rules. This is America. Treat me fairly!

Mr Rogers has just dismissed the entire group of self-employed business owners who bear the brunt of this problem. We are not retired, unemployed illegal immigrants. We are small business people that are your neighbors, and you use our businesses everyday. We are getting killed by health care costs, and our health is at risk.

Letting the marketplace "work it out" will simply result in the loss of quality health care as those "very successful and in the BLACK" insurance companies continue to force small business owners into the ranks of uninsured by simply making it too expensive for us.

Small firms:
• Represent 99.7 percent of all employer firms.
• Employ just over half of all private sector employees.
• Pay 44 percent of total U.S. private payroll.
• Have generated 64 percent of net new jobs over the past 15 years.
• Create more than half of the nonfarm private gross domestic product (GDP).

From the SBA report on small business to The President 2009

About 45 percent of workers in small firms with fewer than 500 employees had employment-based health insurance coverage in their own name; as did almost 23 percent of the self-employed, compared with almost two-thirds of workers in large firms. Workers in small firms were more likely than their large firm counterparts to be covered as a dependent by another family member’s health insurance plan, 18.5 percent and 13.8 percent, respectively. More than one-quarter of all self-employed workers had coverage as a dependent on a family member’s plan. One in five of the self-employed
purchased an individual health plan, compared with just 6.1 percent of workers in small firms.

Workers in large firms were least likely to purchase individual insurance (3.7 percent).
Ongoing research shows that employees at smaller firms are less likely to receive health insurance or other benefits than those at larger firms. While virtually all employers with 200 or more employees offer health benefits to their workers, for example, only 62 percent of those with fewer than 200 employees offered such benefits in 2008. For very small firms with 3 to 9 employees, the offer rate was 49 percent. One challenge is that it costs more per employee to administer small health plans than it does larger ones. Several legislative proposals would have allowed small businesses to pool the risk in an effort to reduce such costs; none has been passed, however.
The cost and availability of health insurance has long been a concern for small business owners, and prior to the current economic situation, it was a top concern. Finding ways to control the cost of providing health insurance to employees and increasing coverage will remain a priority, and policymakers will almost certainly grapple with these issues in the near term.
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New member
i wish i lived in mr. rogers neighborhood. all i got are a couple spineless jellyfish that probably have too many skeletons in there closets to vote with their constituants.


New member
Nobody said the system is perfect, both sides (rep. & dem.) agree it needs to be fixed. But to let the government take it over, and no matter what they say, everybody knows they will, is not the answer. Things need to be adjusted, so that individuals or small businesses can aquire affordable insurance. I think there are many factors that contribute to the high costs of insurance, it's not just one. Just like the fixes, one won't be the cure to all problems. But giving our government more power over us, is DEFINITELY not a step in the right direction. God Bless America!!


dcsnomo......do you want the current healthcare bill that obama is pushing to be passed into law?


But it has to be fixed. There are many changes that could be maid if the 535 idiots in Congress would stop pandering to the insurance companies and begin to solve the problem.


Well-known member
We need health savings accounts that allow the individual to control there medical cost dollars, by shopping around for treatment. I think if you are going to blame the ins. co. you need to blame the healthcare prviders also, the biggest reason things cost so much is due to having someone else pay the bill, when that happens , ppl don't really care what it costs, while if we had an account with a finite amount we would shop for the best price /service which would drive competition and result in lower cost.