We are spoiled...maybe too much??

Attak man

New member
Have you noticed all the new products over the past 5 years to keep us snowmobilers warm?? Helmets are far superior to what I used to wear...no such thing as heated shields...I didn't know what handwarmers were until 1992....the jackets, and bibs are warmer, and lighter...the boots are also lighter and warmer.

I was reading some of the posts on here.....and I have to ask....would some of you even be able to ride with out your heated shields, or hand warmers??? LOL

I remember back in the early 90's riding a 1980 TXL...no handwarmers...and no windshield (because I rolled it)....pre mix....no electric start.....we rode 120 miles in 20 below weather...yeah...we froze..we stopped every 30 miles because none of our helmet shields would stay clear...everybody kept fogging up...we would stop at a bar and put our helmets and frozen (snot crusted) face masks next to the wood stove to thaw out......ahhhhhhhhh....the good ol days...lol

I looked at a new sled with electric start, heated seat...hand and thumb warmers...push button reverse...storage bag...big windshield...and thought...."how did we ever used to ride"??? The kids must think we were crazy back then...lol We still had fun though...even without all the new stuff...can you imagine going back in time and telling yourself that in 20 years you would have all of these features on sleds, and the gear you would wear??? You wouldn't believe it ...would you?? ;)

Team Elkhorn

Ahh.... The good old days. Sometimes I wish we could start all over and go back to 1978 technology and relative costs after inflation. I bet it would thin the herd. Especially if we went back to the late 1978 quality grooming.;)


New member
Sleds, trails, and gear sure have come a long way when you think about it. It would be hard to imagine riding one of my old skidoo plus's or mx's haha with open face helmets over trails that today would be considered misserable.


New member
My '77 Exciter had hand warmers....if you stopped and put your hand under the exhaust for a bit, which is what we did when we couldn't take it anymore.

I had an open face helmet with metal flake paint and a face mask with eye holes, which I got for Christmas in '78 . I thought I was soooooo cool.

I'd head out when it was below zero after a big blow to bust drifts on the country roads around the house. My mom thought I was crazy....
Ahh.... The good old days. Sometimes I wish we could start all over and go back to 1978 technology and relative costs after inflation. I bet it would thin the herd. Especially if we went back to the late 1978 quality grooming.;)

Ahhhhhh yes indeed....the "good old days"! :) My first sled was a '79 Yamaha 340 Enticer....out the door for $1,995 (I still have the receipt). But I remember venturing ALL THE WAY down to the Bill Nichols (Trail 3) to Mass City from Eagle River (Michigan type) back in the mid-80's. Talk about feeling like we were adventurers! If memory serves me, the DNR was responsible for grooming that trail and they ROLLED it. No drag as we know them today. The day we went down, it was groomed nicely, but it was a mini roller coaster! Slowly rising and falling....maybe 2' or so....but smooth as can be. Pretty fun actually! :)


thats when you REALLY smelled like 2stroke smoke=when the carb was pointed at ur belly!! many good memories with the old sleds. like jumping an old merc with reverse BACKWARDS!! it was hilarious!


Staff member
I remember the good old days too. I think the reason why riding seemed so much more fun back then is because you would spend at least a half a day just trying to get the darn machine running (unless you were an expert mechanic) and then would get a hour or two out of it before it broke down again. So you cherished EVERY SECOND you were on a machine that was actually running!

Some great memories from back them but I will take the reliability and other improvements of the current sleds.


Team Elkhorn

The day we went down, it was groomed nicely, but it was a mini roller coaster! Slowly rising and falling....maybe 2' or so....but smooth as can be. Pretty fun actually! :)

That actually sounds awesome! Our club had a homemade groomer contraption pulled by an old Johnson SkeeHorse. I don't want to age myself, but I remember when the Crivitz 100 mile Bunny Run trail would take all day and you would earn a patch. Or when our club took a trip up to Rhinelander in the early '70s and got interviewed by local TV as big news. "A growing trend and a boost to the local economy." :)
Ahh, I'm old.:rolleyes:
That actually sounds awesome! Our club had a homemade groomer contraption pulled by an old Johnson SkeeHorse. I don't want to age myself, but I remember when the Crivitz 100 mile Bunny Run trail would take all day and you would earn a patch. Or when our club took a trip up to Rhinelander in the early '70s and got interviewed by local TV as big news. "A growing trend and a boost to the local economy." :)
Ahh, I'm old.:rolleyes:

LOL....I'm pretty sure I have seen one of those "Bunny Run" patches....either at Vansville or Eagle River Inn (when they used to be open in the winter that is). :)

Team Elkhorn

LOL....I'm pretty sure I have seen one of those "Bunny Run" patches....either at Vansville or Eagle River Inn (when they used to be open in the winter that is). :)
Yep, I wished I had saved my stylish one piece suit with all the patches on it.:( The patches were a way to draw sledders into an area. We had dozens of them sewn on our suits. Many of the clubs, including ours even had their own patches. I'll dig up one of my old jackets and take a pic. Our club patch was priceless.;)

Attak man

New member
I remember the good old days too. I think the reason why riding seemed so much more fun back then is because you would spend at least a half a day just trying to get the darn machine running (unless you were an expert mechanic) and then would get a hour or two out of it before it broke down again. So you cherished EVERY SECOND you were on a machine that was actually running!

Some great memories from back them but I will take the reliability and other improvements of the current sleds.


John...I remember riding in chest deep powder with you (2001-2002)....YOU riding an old XLT short track (with deeper lugs)..me on my old Mountain max (with a 1.1 yoko track for trail riding)....how did we ever ride in snow that deep with those heavy old triples??? I remember we went a whopping 60 miles in 8 hours...and I was exhausted...lol

- - - Updated - - -

thats when you REALLY smelled like 2stroke smoke=when the carb was pointed at ur belly!! many good memories with the old sleds. like jumping an old merc with reverse BACKWARDS!! it was hilarious!

Those old carbs pointed right at the crotch...belching gas on the crotch of your snowsuit...and you prayed it didn't backfire and bbq your nether region.....lol


Super Moderator
Staff member
Power Steering, Heated Seats, Enclosed Trailers, R Motion, Reverse.... My Dad would've rolled his eyes and probably say something like, "why not just go for a ride in the car". I can't even imagine what the next 20 or 30 years will bring to the sport.


Active member
Those old carbs pointed right at the crotch...belching gas on the crotch of your snowsuit...and you prayed it didn't backfire and bbq your nether region.....lol[/QUOTE]

They were either belching gas or if you got to close it sucked your suit in and stalled it out!!



Staff member
John...I remember riding in chest deep powder with you (2001-2002)....YOU riding an old XLT short track (with deeper lugs)..me on my old Mountain max (with a 1.1 yoko track for trail riding)....how did we ever ride in snow that deep with those heavy old triples??? I remember we went a whopping 60 miles in 8 hours...and I was exhausted...lol

I do remember that ride. In fact, when you started this post, that is the exact ride that came to mind. The LAST one with a heated shield! Thing kept fogging up and I had to ride with it open. Almost ruined an epic day! Almost!


Team Elkhorn

Those old carbs pointed right at the crotch...belching gas on the crotch of your snowsuit...and you prayed it didn't backfire and bbq your nether region.....lol

They were either belching gas or if you got to close it sucked your suit in and stalled it out!!


I had an old Ski Doo 399 that would backfire, and the little access door to the carb between your legs would slam open and flames would shoot out. That would really get your attention, especially at night.:mad:
Heres my old club patch.:D
View attachment 44728

Attak man

New member
I do remember that ride. In fact, when you started this post, that is the exact ride that came to mind. The LAST one with a heated shield! Thing kept fogging up and I had to ride with it open. Almost ruined an epic day! Almost!


Yep...that was a great day...never was so tired from digging sleds out....but it was sooooo fun!! Do you miss the old girl (the XLT)??


Super Moderator
Staff member
My first ever sled was a used 79 El Tigre, I bought in 1988. The handwarmers did work, no heated shield for my helmet though. First trip "up north" was to Presque Isle Wi, me and 3 buddy's and my girlfriend. My girlfriend and I were riding two up, yea, good times! The trails were so bumpy that my hood hinges busted, and I had to buy some bunje cords in Boulder Junction to keep the hood on. LOL.