PR1 - Your reason for edit MAY BE the smiley face but I still don't see one!
I'm not sure why you're being so darn I'll give you a scenario. I live in downstate IL (central KS, IN, NE, MO, OK, OH, pick ur tornado alley state! cuz there's lots! The UP had a tornado watch the other day too, by the way!!!) I have my phone in my pocket, I'm washing my car (please! have you seen my car? never washed except by rain!), I lean over and my phone falls in the darn bucket! CRAP! Weather guy TOLD me to be on alert for bad weather today and now my only source of bad weather info is in a sudsy bucket! (and my clothes hangin out on the line - for you country music fans!) As I grab my beer, cursing, I now think CRAP! How am I gonna get woken up tonight if there's a tornado watch or warning! Sleeping in my bed is MUCH nicer than my unfinished basement! Ahhhhh, that nice little radio I got from (fill in blank here) will do so nicely!!
I'll give YOU one...You're out on Lake Michigan. Beautiful day. Weather man told you to watch out for squalls. There's some really cool looking thunderheads but they're the fluffy white kind...Things could stay all lovely or they could turn ugly quick - who knows? (think Gordon Lightfoot here) It's Lake Michigan!?! Your lovely wife drops her sunglasses. You, the galant dude that you are, reaches for them and your phone flies out of your hand and into the cooler where you were trying to retrieve a frosty beverage. CRAP! NOW what?
That was all I was saying...back up is good...we can't all NOT live in tornado alley or it would be a really boring USofA (and we'd have even MORE food from communists!) and we can't all have phones smarter than I am...
Stay focused on what poor Moose was asking - he always does the same for all of us!?!