Weather Alert Radios?? Midland??


New member
Anyone own one of these....Look'n at a WR-100 sounds alert if weather bulletin occurs...daughter lives in tormado alley....can you believe they have no sirens down that way?

Looks to be about $38 bucks and hooks to 110v outlet.

Any other suggestions in that price range with first hand knowledge would be appreciated.

$38 is cheap for peace of mind. But I do like the Phone app. for when moving about.


Staff member
John, what is your view on this topic?

Honestly, I don't think there is one best device to alert you. Each persons situation is different and I think they need to analyze their lifestyle and then look for the best solution.

The Weather Channel App is available for all platforms of smart phones and I believe it is free, so that would be a great thing to have as it will not cost you anything (if you have a smart phone). The radio is a purpose built device, so it would be a great thing to have in home to be able to alert folks of any warnings issued.

I guess what I am saying probably both would be best- especially if you live in an area that is at a high risk for severe weather.



Active member

That's why I have a weather radio and my kids know when to head to the basement. Better safe than sorry is my motto. I was 4 when I was in a tornado and I still remember the impact as we were running through our dining room. I don't mess around. Hence the reason that while I like the phone app - all well and good and incredibly useful - I wouldn't NOT have my weather radio. I forget to plug my phone in half the app is of much use of my phone isn't charged up and working!?

Amazon has some good deals as well. I was just browsing and there seems to be plenty of options no matter what the price range.


That's why I have a weather radio and my kids know when to head to the basement. Better safe than sorry is my motto. I was 4 when I was in a tornado and I still remember the impact as we were running through our dining room. I don't mess around. Hence the reason that while I like the phone app - all well and good and incredibly useful - I wouldn't NOT have my weather radio. I forget to plug my phone in half the app is of much use of my phone isn't charged up and working!?

Amazon has some good deals as well. I was just browsing and there seems to be plenty of options no matter what the price range.

I actually like the idea of both. When away from home you have something on your phone in case it is needed and when you are at home you have two things. Personally I have never forgot to charge my phone. It is such a habit to plug it in every night. As far as not hearing it that is not a problem as I charge it in my bedroom. In fact I have a harder time remembering to replace batteries and with my luck, there would be a power outage and the battery in weather radio would be dead. That is the reason I would like both.


New member
I have the weather channel app for my iPhone and just recently because of last weekends supposed impending doom added the text alerts as well in case the power went out. I sleep with a white noise machine so if a siren were to go off I'd have no clue until I was blown 3 miles down the street. On nights where the forecasters are saying it could be bad I usually turn it off so I can hear for a siren. I will now sleep with my phone on those nights so I can see the text for warnings. We have looked into a weather radio but never got around to buying one. However It's a good idea and something I should make a priority.
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New member
Some good ideas here, thanks to all.

Does that smart phone app require internet connectivity, or does it text you or just ring the phone?

Might be a good idea to wrap my daughter around both radio and phone...don't want the grandkids gett'n scared with Mom in a panic.

My daughter used to start crying when the beep beep beep came across the TV....and she is still freeeky about rough weather.

Myself, I have been in the middle of Lake Huron in huge storms with lightning flying and figure God doesn't want me...he already had all his I know where I'm a go'n!

Just another reason to like winter!!:) (sorry john)


New member
Anon, Mine runs both with the text option you will need cell service, with the App it will run Wireless or on Cell service. Although if you run wireless and you have no power than it's no good! Unless you have a generator which we don't. A few times we have had to hit the basement and with the 3G I was able to get radar, warnings etc.