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Cindy, trust me your not safe. http://www.crh.noaa.gov/lot/severe/SigChiTorn.php
Anyone own one of these....Look'n at a WR-100 sounds alert if weather bulletin occurs...daughter lives in tormado alley....can you believe they have no sirens down that way?
Looks to be about $38 bucks and hooks to 110v outlet.
Any other suggestions in that price range with first hand knowledge would be appreciated.
John, what is your view on this topic?
Cindy, trust me your not safe. http://www.crh.noaa.gov/lot/severe/SigChiTorn.php
Great idea.
That's why I have a weather radio and my kids know when to head to the basement. Better safe than sorry is my motto. I was 4 when I was in a tornado and I still remember the impact as we were running through our dining room. I don't mess around. Hence the reason that while I like the phone app - all well and good and incredibly useful - I wouldn't NOT have my weather radio. I forget to plug my phone in half the time...no app is of much use of my phone isn't charged up and working!?
Amazon has some good deals as well. I was just browsing and there seems to be plenty of options no matter what the price range.
I am a national weather service spotter. I will call you and tell you when to run and hide!
Ok, but you have to pm when the first mushrooms pop!Your east of me, I'll call you!