weather today and snow


New member
if the wind is coming from over the lake right now and its not snowing or raining right now or hasnt for a few hours, but it is forecasted to start later tonight. My question is my arent we receiving any precip right now and why will it all the sudden start tonight.


Staff member
The difference is in the state of the atmosphere. Even though the air at the surface was as cold or colder than it was while the lake effect rain was falling a few hours ago, the air aloft where the clouds and precip form was not as cold and unstable. That instability redeveloped Fri night and most of Saturday and kept the precip falling. Then stabilized again and shut things down late Saturday.



New member
we got up to Ishpiming friday night 10/5/12 cold and flurries woke up saturday to snow on the ground
and snow flurries on and off all day with the sun coming out also.
sunday was sunny and warmer. gary fall 12 006.jpg