ok fine then I want an early summer!
March and April tends to seem like it lasts forever and now we've added February and half of January to that this year. Just sucks.
Hmmmm? Where the heck is tracker when we need him?ok fine then I want an early summer!
March and April tends to seem like it lasts forever and now we've added February and half of January to that this year. Just sucks.
I think Bigfoot found him....Hmmmm? Where the heck is tracker when we need him?
Whoa, seems tracker went Big Time now, eh! I thought if not big foot, perhaps the North, or South poles magnetized him, and pulled him in?Been shooting a new series for this fall on CBS
TRACKER features Hartley as lone-wolf survivalist Colter Shaw, who roams the country as a “reward seeker,” using his expert tracking skills to help private citizens and law enforcement solve all manner of mysteries while contending with his own fractured family.
In the past in a typical winter Ritchie was able to beat road limits in March by delivering early in the morning. This winter who knows not sure how much frost is in the ground? I think road limits will be a moving target this season on again off again. Ritchie obviously wants to sell you gas and has to leave 15-20% open for expansion not going over 85% in these warm temps. Good luck!I heard limits were being discussed in Gogebic and Iron Counties last week. Speculation was February 1st or shortly thereafter. I ordered LP (in Vilas County) even though I was still around 50% and Ritchie Oil makes noise about having to be at least 40%, I don't want to run short and then have to beg for permission once limits are on.