Well I will be riding Christmas to New Years


Well-known member
Nice bike and from the looks of things you may really be glad you got it,as it sure doesn't look like we will see snow anytime soon.😟 Enjoy your new ride.


Well-known member
Emjoy it! That's my next bike. Got my Scott Spark when I turned 50 and said I'd get another full squish at 55 and then go to the ebike at 60. Well, I'm 56 and will be 57 next summer and didn't get the bike at 55 so maybe I split the difference and go to the e bike next summer. Saw one this year at a bike shop in Bozeman when we were out there for $5800. Really good price but we were flying home, not driving.


Well-known member
Well maybe not snowmobiling but will be at WinMan. I much rather be riding my Sidewinders but this Trek Fuel Exe electric bike will keep me busy View attachment 69269
Have you been out on it yet?? What type of range are you getting? Reviews I'm seeing is that its significantly less range than something like the Trek Rail with the bigger battery/motor and quite a bit less "oomph" than it also. I usually don't ride more than 15 miles at a crack on my current bike but it is all single track. I'd like to be able to get out and get 30 miles on a charge? Did you get the battery extender?