Well, it is here ...


Well-known member
I am a Cat fan/rider but that snub nose....not for me, reminds me too much of another brand in the front. But obviously the new owner is investing in the brand, hopefully will be here to stay.


Saw it in person on Sunday at Haydays. I thought it was pretty sharp. I have seen a ton of people bashing it because it is only offered in a 600, it is ugly etc etc. I just don't get some people. To me them having a new chassis, and commited to having a successor to the 800 next year is a pretty good inidcation that they are commited to making snowmobiles which is good for everyone.


Well-known member
I received an e-mail from AC this morning on this, I think it is pretty darn nice looking. I've had green blood forever & I've seen much worse looking sleds fresh off of the line. State of the art & so what if it's only offered in a 600, that sled with the right rider can meet or beat an 800 as well as be better in the gas guzzling dept. Though I will say, I did not see a price point on it, but I will bet it's less than an 800cc sled. Now if availability will not impose an issue, it should be a hot seller for them.
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Well-known member
I think it looks really good and I'm happy there is some investment in the brand. Although who knows when the design happened - before or after textron. Seems like they still have some work to do as they haven't shared many details yet.

Not having the new engine ready is a concern. That's a loss of another year in the biggest segment.

The short nose is a function of moving the rider forward.

ICT Sledder

Active member
Light weight and centralized mass - if both are true - sure perks my ears up.

Asymmetric headlight isn't my cup of tea though. BMW has always done that with some models of their motorcycles, and for the most part it looks kinda dumb.

I've only had Cats in my roughly 20 years in the sport. For some reason they really get under your skin.


Active member
I am happy that they have shown a model of their new platform. Very long overdue, and still not ready, but glad they have shown something. Lots of positive from what I can see, and they are doing their marketing by not telling much more than that. No specs, or under the hood to talk about. Time will tell, and I really hope it works out for them. Cat has the most loyal base of all manufactures, but its declined drastically over the last 4-5 years of Textron days. The snowmobile industry as whole needs them to stay around. If Cat was gone, so would Yamaha. None of us want a 2 manufacture sport.


Well-known member
As far as I am aware there is no "new owner", Textron still owns AC, however, the snowmobile division is all AC including R&D & mfg. Please correct me if I am wrong.
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Well-known member
I’m not sure what you’re asking? Yes Textron owns the AC snow division and put in their people and policies.


Well-known member
Previous posts suggest that there is a "new owner", I just wanted to see if I was missing something. As stated in my previous post, to the best of my knowledge there is no "new" owner of AC.


Well-known member
Textron is referenced as new owner to most. The question in my mind is what happens to Yamaha 4s manufacturing in old procross chassis? Difficult to think Textron will support 2 sets of chassis tooling in their assembly line. I read that Yamaha is courting Polaris to use Yamaha 4s engines in Polaris 4s sleds. Not surprising to me OEM sales strategy is to be in contact with all that can buy your product. I’m sure Yamaha has contact with skidoo as well.


Well-known member
But obviously the new owner is investing in the brand, hopefully will be here to stay.
Although who knows when the design happened - before or after textron. Seems like they still have some work to do as they haven't shared many details yet.
Time will tell, and I really hope it works out for them. Cat has the most loyal base of all manufactures, but its declined drastically over the last 4-5 years of Textron days.
This is what leads me to believe that some believe Textron no longer owns AC. I wouldn't consider Textron a "new" owner after five years. Nonetheless as I stated earlier, the snowmobile division is all AC from R&D to mfg. I'm not sure about the Yamaha situation, it doesn't appear that AC is doing away with the current chassis as there appears to be a segment of the 2024 line that will be the new chassis. I guess we will have to wait & see.


Well-known member
I am glad to see Arctic Cat come out with a new platform, as stated above the industry is better off with at least 3 manufacturers and I wasn't sure what Arctic's plans for the future were. Argo out of Canada set up there US headquarters in Thief River Falls and have hired a lot of the old management, marketing, and engineering staff from Arctic Cat. I had thought that maybe they were looking to purchase the sled division, maybe that could still happen but this new platform makes me wonder.


Well-known member
I am glad to see Arctic Cat come out with a new platform, as stated above the industry is better off with at least 3 manufacturers and I wasn't sure what Arctic's plans for the future were. Argo out of Canada set up there US headquarters in Thief River Falls and have hired a lot of the old management, marketing, and engineering staff from Arctic Cat. I had thought that maybe they were looking to purchase the sled division, maybe that could still happen but this new platform makes me wonder.
There's been some rumors that group at argos is talking to yamaha too.

I'm assuming yamaha wants to continue to have something for its dealers to sell but without having to put any R&D $ into it.

Hope they can all find a way to continue. Be nice to see something out there besides switchbacks and renegades.


They are kicking this sled off with their 600 which has now been around since 2015 and from what I have read and experienced, its pretty bulletproof motor; not saying it doesn't have issues and I am sure people have had bad experiences, but thats true with all brands. Getting an 800 into it in the next year is nice too. Granted it would be nice to get both options together. However, as an engineer and project manager myself, I would rather they take the time and do it right, similar to how they handled the development of the 600 as it exists today. That motor may have come out in 2015, but development started back in 2009 or 2010. They made sure that motor was ready to go before launching it. Its not always about doing the right projects, its more about doing project right!!!