Well We did it!! 515 miles in one day!!


Well-known member
17 hrs. Just a stiff neck is all. I don't know how he does what he does. I did 695 miles in 2 days. My itch is scratched!! snowballcancer.org Raised about $30,000 for the cause. The group did 10,000 miles that day. Impressive!! 515miler.jpg IMG951621.jpg


Well-known member
A rider came up to me at gas station in IR looking for Nick Keller and 25 others. Said nope have not seen them.


Well-known member
Thanks guys. When Nick told me that a Polaris had never been along for the 500 I was all in. I think there was only 4 two stroke sleds in the group. That is my white Pro S in the group picture.


New member

Nick stopped by our place and visited early this week. He told us about his big ride coming up. He's a workhorse. I assume the miles he did amounted to no big deal. He is in a territory all his own that no one has ever achieved...... that we know of.
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Well-known member
Wow! Nice job!! My butt is sore just thinking about it...

Rode with my wife on a 2up the other day and we did 240 miles and thought that was a lot of miles.


Well-known member
I'm still speechless the Polaris made it that far.:p. Ha,ha I kid I kid.
Congrats, that's awesome! Can't imagine doing that, not even if every trail was perfect.
Congrats! Is that the ride they go around Gogebic area? Saw Nick and his new ride at Rogers Bar a few weeks back. Alot of dedication for a great cause!


Is this an annual thing? Would love to take part in it! Any requirement on sleds being ridden? I have a very high mileage firecat (all stock) that some may consider to be a ticking time bomb. Unfortunately I don't see it getting replaced anytime soon. Congrats on the ride.