What face gear under a Snow X helmet


New member
Now that I have ordered the pro vue goggles and just got a helmet, I'm wondering what do you use to keep your face warm? I'm getting ready for next season!

It just seems to me that on a cold day you would freeze your face off.

Insight from experience is appreciated!


Well-known member
no I use a klim f4 and those are the most vented brain bucket made.and with the winter liner it is just as warm as my cat txi in fact my noise is warmer in the mx style than the closed txi if you have the breath deflector and well fitting goggles you will be just fine.if you can find a face mask with mouth hole all the better.good fit on goggles is key to make it work.


Now that I have ordered the pro vue goggles and just got a helmet, I'm wondering what do you use to keep your face warm? I'm getting ready for next season!

It just seems to me that on a cold day you would freeze your face off.

Insight from experience is appreciated!

Get the No Fog Mask. U wont regret. I also sometimes wear a thin Baklava
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x2 on the no-fog mask. I wear a really thin face mask (to help wick moisure) and a no-fog. Been down to -28F, -50F windchill with no problems. Everyone with full face was icing, mine was clear as if I was indoors and not cold one bit. The key is having a good goggle to helmet fit. Especially the outside corners above eyes, this is where I see others get cold. Another thing I do is cut a piece of electrical tape about 1/4" wide and cover most of the holes on the face of the goggles. Mines still have plenty of breathing holes the side and top to let moisture escape. This keeps the head on wind from freezing the face. I keep the tape on even when it's warm and still have no issues.


Active member
Yep, no fog mask and balaclava. Never have been cold, and like they said above, when it gets too cold for the average full face helmet they freeze up and raise there shields, you will be by far warmer then them. Buy a balaclava with the smallest hole around the eyes possible. If the hole is to big, sometimes I get a cold leak to my temple area. That is the only helmet I have used for 10 years and cold is not an issue.


New member
love my snocross brain bucket

but have had a hard time getting the right fitting goggles and they arn't cheap.. i switch to a full face with a elec shield below about 15deg. you would think goggle manf's could work with the top 5 or so bucket makers and make the spec's of the goggles the same as the helmet.. with cad and auto design its a no brainer..


New member
get the klim covert and wear you snow x helmet in dang near any weather. if warm, just the covert, but if its cold, get a neckie too.


Well-known member
I just bought the Covert this year but haven't used it yet (haven't ridden yet). I'm still having trouble with the $50 price tag for something that seems so simple. I have the other Klim balaclava (the shorter one) and it has held up fine but it pulls out in the back of the next too often (because it is short).

When I bought the Covert, I also thought about the Motorfist Vadar, since it would match my jacket (both have some red in them), but I figured that is kind of stupid since it is normally covered up anyway. Plus, the Klim one was all the name brand materials - coolmax, thinsulate, etc., so it has be good, right?

I didn't look at the no-fog, but that seems redundant for the closed face helmet with the breath guard already in the helmet. Let me know if it isn't.

I ride with a mid-grade HJC closed face helmet. I never tried the open face, but may look into one next time since the closed face kinda sucked out West last year.


Well-known member
KLiM Covert. Don't waste your money on anything else.


I have a Klim F4 helmet and always use the warm weather liner and the Covert balaclava. It can be -10 out or 30 and this is exactly what I have on. I tried a No-Fog mask and didn't like it.


New member
I have used a No-Fog for years and love it. If your helment has a breath box, take that out and use the no-fog instead.

You get way more coverage of your face with the no-fog versus a breath box, plus, it forms a much tighter seal against your face, and prevents your goggles from fogging.