I just bought the Covert this year but haven't used it yet (haven't ridden yet). I'm still having trouble with the $50 price tag for something that seems so simple. I have the other Klim balaclava (the shorter one) and it has held up fine but it pulls out in the back of the next too often (because it is short).
When I bought the Covert, I also thought about the Motorfist Vadar, since it would match my jacket (both have some red in them), but I figured that is kind of stupid since it is normally covered up anyway. Plus, the Klim one was all the name brand materials - coolmax, thinsulate, etc., so it has be good, right?
I didn't look at the no-fog, but that seems redundant for the closed face helmet with the breath guard already in the helmet. Let me know if it isn't.
I ride with a mid-grade HJC closed face helmet. I never tried the open face, but may look into one next time since the closed face kinda sucked out West last year.