What is with all the new internet tough-guy's?


New member
I know my winkie is bigger than your winkie, but seriously this board used to be grown ups talking about grown up things.

What's with all these new people who think they are the end all be all of the snowmobiling world. from a few posts in the tech section I found a few of the post get out of hand and pulled from the site. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this and what is the reason for all the immature people coming out of the woodwork.

I don't mean to be negative but just wondering if this is an industry trend or just a few isolated idiots?

Thanks in advance for your input.


Active member
you can never fix stupid.

there are always some morons out there they get their rocks off by busting somebodies chops for whatever reason. Just ignore them and the mod squad will blast them off this site in due time.


Well-known member
It does seem like there is a new set of posters on here. Of course, some of the polls that started such threads were meant to be either humorous or inflammatory, and they appear to have been taken to be inflammatory.


New member
ethuggery as it is known, is the practice of the elusive and clever "Ethug" Also know as the Internet Tough Guy
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New member
I am amazed at how the Internet brings out the worst in people. I guess when we can hide behind our computer screen, it's easier to hammer each other.

....I have also noticed that everyone on the Internet is an expert......


Active member
I have noticed the same thing. Seems ever since the new board started. I am wondering if a lot of people didn't bother posting here in the past because it wasn't in the same format as all the other boards that they were used to???


New member
I know my winkie is bigger than your winkie, but seriously this board used to be grown ups talking about grown up things.

What's with all these new people who think they are the end all be all of the snowmobiling world. from a few posts in the tech section I found a few of the post get out of hand and pulled from the site. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this and what is the reason for all the immature people coming out of the woodwork.

I don't mean to be negative but just wondering if this is an industry trend or just a few isolated idiots?

Thanks in advance for your input.

Its to bad everyone cant just have fun on here. We are all into snowmobiling and we all have our favorite brands, places to ride and riding styles, but why does all the fun always end up with someone getting stupid and saying dumb things that ruin a good thing we have here..


New member
i wonder if it's got anything to doo with some other site starting to charge a fee for membership?... causing the increase here. .... jmho


The board has change over the last couple years for sure. Starting to loose that warm fuzzy feel it had a few years ago. Good or bad I guess that comes with the larger membership.


New member
My internet can beat up your internet....

My internet is better than yours...

I love reading posts at this time of year. Everyone is on edge.

***Let the LES bombs Drop***


Active member
The more stuff going on around the actual new post, the easier to hide and be lost. Look around and up and down. Theres alot going on. The "Quote" option now fills up a good portion of threads. Sometimes 2 or 3 times over. The www has exploded with when and where it can be accessed and younger users are used to firing from the hip.