What is your favorite Chuck Norris joke?


You can't search for Chuck Norris on Google. Google can't find Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris finds Google.


New member
Chuck Norris is suing NBC for using the names Law and Order because that is what he named his legs.


Well-known member
I thought Chuck Norris was a joke. He is most likely the worst actor I have ever seen. He would have never been popular without his fighting skills. But my very religous grandparents loved "Texas Ranger".


Well-known member
before I had satellite at the cabin I got 1 Chanel for yrs I have seen way to many Texas Ranger.and when is he going to shave that dic k broom off
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OK, let's start again...What is your favorite Chuck Norris Joke?

Chuck Norris's hand beats a royal flush. Always.


My top three:

When Chuck Norris does push ups, he doesn't push himself up... he pushes the Earth down!

They wanted to put Chuck Norris up on Mt. Rushmore, but the granite was not hard enough for his beard.

Chuck Norris has tears that cure cancer. Too bad chuck Norris has never ever cried...EVER!
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New member
Chuck Rules!

Chuck doesnt have to worry about filing taxes......he just sends in a picture of him crouching n ready to fight!
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New member
Chuck Norris does not go hunting. Hunting is for those that track and hope to successfully bag their prey. More accurately, Chuck Norris goes killing.


New member
Oh, there are so many.

Chuck Norris once ordered a Big Mac at a burger king... and got one.
When Chuck norris plays Monopoly, it affects the world economy.
Chuck norris can divide by zero.

are 3 of my favorites.