Maybe a sick coyote. IMO. Would help to know how big the trap is though...
I am not one for reading all the important stuff. Trap/cage, etc. Avg coyote is 30-34 in. in length, tail 12-16 inches, and stand at 23-26 inches at the shoulder. Whereas the common red fox is 18-35 in. in length, with a tail of 13 to 21 inches, and stand 14-20 inches at the shoulder (thank you wikipedia). That being said, who the heck knows what this really is. Looking up pictures of coyotes and fox's with mange, it could be either. I have changed my mind and I'm siding with caged_beagle: Chupacabra.
I'm glad you admitted to not reading all the important stuff; My initial post asking "Cupachabra" was more of a funny query or even joke.
In my secondary and third posts I think I am siding with the rest of the board here and guessing Coyote with scabies or mange.
Either way that is one ugly rabbit. Oh, and a five pound Robin is pretty fat!