What to do? opinions please!


New member
I burn my garbage in my campfire at home. Thats how I recycle and spend some campfire time with my family. Burn, baby, burn.


New member
Dont people just talk to thier neighbors anymore? Give him the benefit of the doubt GEEZ !! go meet your neighbor, he could turn out to be a nice guy! if not then you can run him out of town. You guys are all acting like burning garbage is grounds for a hanging! Just remember when and if you call the FBI on this guy, what goes around comes around. I hope you never do anything in the neighborhood that might be alittle illegal.


New member
Well said OLS.

Ya know, he might even give out good garbage burning tips. He also probably saves 200 bucks a year by not filling the landfills..


New member
Just ask him to burn when the wind is going the other direction, and close your windows when he burns. Simple as that.
I'd also suggest you take a look at your diet, maybe eat better and suppliment it with some vitamins and minerals. Your immune system needs some help if you get sick that easy.
The last thing you should do is call the authorities. We need to get the govt. out of our lives. Half the reason they have been so successful at adding laws and removing freedoms etc...is that people have somehow lost the ability or not taken the responsibility of communicating with each other.
Of course it is illegal to burn garbage, follow the $.
Another suggestion. I saw this one time with a big fuel oil tank with a door and a smokestack, it worked well and would probably help in your situation even with the barrel: cut off the bottom of the barrel, put a grate in its place, build a stand for it or set it up on 3 cinder blocks. It will burn cleaner and the smoke will no longer just spill out the top. I'm sure if you spend an hour and build that <font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> be happy to use it.


New member
red dots, I forgot the apostrophy. <font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font>


New member
Hey Redrev - I am your neighbor. Quit lollygaggin and come talk to me. I'll let you see my 10 gauge while you're here.

On a serious note, resolve conflict directly and go talk to your neighbor.


New member
brooks are you serious weak immune system because a wet smoldering barrel of garbage makes us sick? i work construction and smell a lot of worse <font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> than that. why should anyone have to smell that when they come home from a day of work when your house is supposed to be a place to relax and wind down from a day of work. and gost if all you got is a shot gun good luck..lol im not sure what i am gna do yet..been spending a lot of time at hosp. due to family illness.


New member
I agree it would not be pleasant to be down wind of that. As many times as I have been the line of smoke, I can honestly say I've never even felt nautious from it, much less sick. I am curious though, what do you normally get from it? Flu? a cold? worse? How many days of work do you normally miss because of being sick from it?

Another fun thing that you do if he doesn't respect your request after you talk to him. Devise/engineer your own ultimate smoke system, wait till the wind is blowing toward his house, and see if you can turn it black. Or even simply fill a big barrel with some compost, put a lid on it, and every time the wind is going his way take the lid off.
Lots of things you can do to have fun with it rather than acting like a young child and telling on him.


New member
either chat with him, or call the local fire dept. they should have a list of materials that are legal to burn and the ordinance printed out, ask the chief to drop by and talk to the guy, if it continues call the F.D. everytime, they will come put it out and probably start giving him a bill if it becomes regular.
redrev, You have the chance to go talk to this neighbor, thats a good thing, I live in the country and I had the neighboring farmer put a hog complex of 2200 hogs a 1/4 mile directly behind my house, I had no choice bet to except it because everything he did was legal. Yes it gets very bad at times, it even made my house of less value, He really impressed me. Toddspolaris


Well? What happened? Its time for a update.

The problem with burning garbage is the garbage smolders in there for hours, yuck.

*I had the exact situation by me. I didn't say anything till one day my dog fence was down and I tied him up to keep him in the yard. Well he barked his displeasure. The neighbor came over and complained about the noise and requested he be put in the house! I said he should close his windows just like i do when he illegally burns his garbage and stinks up my house for hours. He went from burning 3 times a week to maybe once a month.
* This is a nice summary of what actually took place.


New member
go to his house late at night and poop on his step, maybe right in front of the door so he steps in it when he goes out for the morning paper.