First, what you did makes me proud that you belong to the human race...saying "sorry...can't help you" is what TOO much of American has become today...punishing one person for another persons lack of human respect makes no sense whatsoever to me.
And because someone has found a working scam, making money on those who would have some sense of helping hand, is an indication of how sick some of our society has become. Stealing little old lady purses fits in this same box.
While in hind sight, gathering up some I.D. and car registration would have likely prevented this, don't beat yourself up for being a decent human being....I would shake your hand if I could.
Definitely take it up with the boss....this is a theft...pure and simple. He may be able to get this covered by his insurance....if not then the decent thing to do is to buy a used jack in like or better condition to replace the one that got stolen....
Now think back to what you could have done BETTER which would have secured the use of the jack. Deposit, I.D., wallet....what ever and don't let this fools scam remove you from the human race of decent human beings....there are fewer and fewer people alive to pass on this sort of gene pool. We need MORE people like you around, not less. Helping your fellow man out in a bind is a very proud attribute to pass on to your children and grandkids.
Looking this poor fool in the eye and telling him..."sorry, can't do it", is akin to driving by a man with a broken leg, or walking past a blind kid trying to cross a busy street...while it happens all the time by many, those that do it are some very sorry individuals.