What's the Odds....?


New member
Okay....I admit it....life sometimes sucks enough to question whether or not I should have just stayed in bed...for years!

Is it just me, or do others out there exist who can snag the gasoline cap trap door backing up to get a "little closer" to the gas pump, or run over the garden hose that I LEFT ....I SWEAR...ONE INCH into the grass, and of course it winds 50 times around the blade takes two hours to pull, winch, cut and grind out, or drop a screw on the floor and it finds the only crack within 20 feet on my cement...rolls in it and of COURSE IS NOT MAGNETIC so it can only be fished out by using a wire thinner than a human hair or chiseled out of the cement.

Oh the stories I could tell here....but won't because some might want to cover their eyes when I walk by, or run for cover when I drive thru the neighborhood.

I remember once, I carefully and purposefully put a glass mantel to a lantern up in a cupboard way up over the refrigerator.... which MY wife has NEVER opened up in the whole 18 years we lived in my home. Can't find this mantel anymore cause they don't make them like this, so I took extra caution to carry it into the house, up high over the refrigerator and way back in the shelf...so I knew that when the parts to fix the lantern came I would A) know where I put the darn thing, and B) it would be safe and sound.

Well sure enough, my wife decided to put some potato masher, or automatic apple masher she seldom used away....didn't see it and knocked that thing into 20 pieces. OF COURSE SHE WAS SORRY....but not as sorry as I was that I didn't just leave the darn thing on the garage floor where stuff stays for months at a time without ever being moved.

Is it just me?? How do you cure this problem? Should I call an exorcist?? Or concede to just doing what my mother always said was safe..."stay home and learn to knit"???


New member
no man,i don't have any of those problems.but i'll tell this,everytime it is bowling weekend i either smash my bowling hand doing some odd job that didn't really need to be done or like this last saturday i decided it would be a good idea to start all of my yard equip. i have bad shoulders to begin with so after pull starting everything my bowling shoulder was just killing me when sunday rolled around.or i run out of my heartburn medicin and decide it would be alright to have pizza for lunch.my list goes on and on.you just gotta keep truckin along


New member
I feel your pain :(

On Sunday afternoon getting my wife's sled ready for summer storage and went to check the chaincase oil. Pulled the dip stick out and set it down where I KNEW I would be able to find it. Damn garage gremlins stole it & I didn't find it for 10 minutes. How it got under the left ski I'll never know, but that's where it was.


Well-known member
Every screwgun, rachet driver, and various reversable items are always in the wrong direction for the tough to reach spots. You know the bad nut/screw where you are driving the thing blind standing on one foot with one hand behind your back.

Other than that, life is perfect.

Here is a job to not try BTW.



Boon, welcome to my world! Thought I was alone. For that reason, I don't go to casinos. Even if I could get a 50/50 chance, I'd be wrong. Chin up, Mate!


Active member
favoritos....holy crap, that video is insane!

Skutr: Garage gremlins, lmao...I hate those things

Funny thread...one question I was asked in a job interview was...How lucky are you? Boon...I guess I know your answer, lol.


New member
Boon, welcome to my world! Thought I was alone. For that reason, I don't go to casinos. Even if I could get a 50/50 chance, I'd be wrong. Chin up, Mate!


Two weekends ago I dump 7 quarts of oil on the driveway because I forgot to put the drain plug back in the Hemi after the wife distracted me which was after I forgot to put the oil cap back on the 4stroke sled that I started, what a mess!


From Rodney Dangerfield

It's been a rough day. I got up this morning...put on a shirt and a button fell off. I picked up my briefcase and the handle came off. I'm afraid to go to the bathroom!


Well-known member
Life is pretty damn good right here. But I believe everyone has one of those days once in a while. On those days, cold beer or Kessler, and all is better.


New member
Life is pretty damn good right here. But I believe everyone has one of those days once in a while. On those days, cold beer or Kessler, and all is better.

Wouldn't people start talkin if I carried a bottle of the suds out to get the morning paper??

"and a good ***?" Frade... those days are long gone for this guy, but ice cold beer or at least several of them might just take the edge of stuff for a few minutes.


Well-known member
last year I had the hood open on the f7 pipes were off.on the other side of the shop well at least 10ft away I was using sheet metal screws to screw together the pipe for the garage heat exhaust because that day when putting up xmas lights I started to slip and grabbed the pipe to stop a bad fall.well it was in slow motion but what happened next I could not do again in 50 yrs.a screw slipped out of the head of the screw gun bounced off the floor and in to the exhaust manifold of the f7.I was thinking *** and thinking oh well I will get it out with a magnet RONG.the piston was at the right height so the screw was able to roll down the piston and in to a heavily ported transfer port .it was all in slow motion.I had a bud come over to see so some one else could see it.the worse part is we had just gotten it put back together the night before.it got wedged so it did not fall in to the crank case.


New member
I did a good one a couple of years ago, I got up at about 7:50 am. I had a 20 mile drive to work and had to start at 8, I race around to get my work clothes on and now flying to work, had to stop for gas and cigs on the way so now I am really late. The girl at the gas station asked why I was going to work on Sunday, I could not come up with anything for a quick answer but I was glad to go back home. I have a good schedule Monday thru Friday day shift, except for the one Sunday that I was really trying to get there.


New member
My wife knits and it does nothing for me... I feel your pain. I have "years" like that sometimes. Currently ,,, I have been spending 3 of the last 4 weeks in Torreon Mexico ( middle of a desert ) helping move my company & my job down there ???? It's that or they kick me to the curb sooner than later. After that I will be jobless in lower MI, have had to make major cutbacks to the snowmobile fund for next year and then won't be able to buy a new 1 .... Let alone be able to fix the 3rd track we semi destroyed this year. Just found that 1 as I was trying to wrap up the 3 sleds. We blew 1 up, twisted the crank to boot, then my daughter rolled another several times and busted all the plastic, in addition to catching a rental on fire and then I had to bail earlier in the season and took the " BARS " to the ribs ( + colateral front end sled damage )?????. TO TOP IT ALL OFF... I just found out 15 days ago that... I OWE UNCLE SAM $5000 in additional taxes that caught me by surprise. ( @#$%^& ) ( #%$@ )

I'm all done venting now.....


Super Moderator
Staff member
Try to plug something in with 2 prongs! for me its the wrong way every time! some times I think of it and figure"just turn it around now" nope now its the wrong way of coarse! EVERY TIME!!!
I think I going to spend this weekend grinding the fat sides of all my plugs off so they are the same size!

Oh.... load some lumber in my truck! mindlessly and then with a couple left to load"start thinking about that sliver your going to get now!" sure enough there it is!
Got one of them SOB's festering in my thumb right now!

Scottiking OUT


Well-known member
scottiking, I know exactly how that goes. Trying to remodel the basement and did not have all the outlets wired. Well, none of them wired. Had to run all the cutting from one extension cord. What are the odds of having the thing turned wrong most of the time. Last trip to the lumber yard I finally bought good gloves and a three way splitter for the cord. Yeah.

Anyone notice that you never think of a good idea like those until the project is essentially done?
When I lived in Houghton, New Years day, my wife had to work at 6, been riding all day for 3 days just dog tired. She calls me half a mile from work, stuck in the middle of the road, 8 inches of snow. Ok I'll unhook the trailer and come get you, but where are the keys for the lock? I spend 10 minutes looking for them and quit, I'm getting kinda upset. I pull out the pin for the receiver and watch the sled and trailer go backwards down a 10 foot embankment behind the apt building. Fantastic, now im really mad. Go hook up her car to the truck and it when I give er it doesn't move. Ok give her ride to work and i'm gonna tow it without a driver, climb in the car to put it in nuetral and the parking brake was ON THE WHOLE TIME!!! I calmly back the car down the hill and drive about 50 mph back up and into the parking lot. Give her her keys and back home. And then I had to get my sled out.

Bad day?

It wasn't 7 o'clock AM when I got back in bed to sleep this off.

Yeah we all have em.