When is it to warm outside to run a Polaris 550 fan


New member
I want to go early next week up to the Boulder Junction area but they predict warm temps. Will it hurt to go with my 500 and 550 ploaris fan sleds? What should I expect foe problems?



New member
Honestly I wouldn't worry to much 40-45 is fine They may be a bit boggy/suggish but they all are at those temps. Partially because they are jetted for much colder temps and also because the snow is so heavy and sticky. I wouldn't let them sit and idle for ever without moving but you will be fine. The older I get the more I find about 40-45 to be my ideal riding temp Get out and ride. Should be a glorious weekend for it


100 degrees would be a little much. As the temp rises your sled will run richer. Your run quality will diminish a little, but you are unlikely to cause any damage. If there is snow on the ground you are good to go for sure.


Active member
100 degrees would be a little much. As the temp rises your sled will run richer. Your run quality will diminish a little, but you are unlikely to cause any damage. If there is snow on the ground you are good to go for sure.

I don't think that snow has anything to do with running a fan cooled sled. It will help your hyfax and carbides but will not help keep your engine cool.


New member
I have a 488 (500) indy fan 1989, no that is not a typo, I use it for local trails and let the kids ride it, but any way it barely runs at temps above freezing- I did jet it up to zero-(stock is 20 below) but that did not help much and I don't want to burn it up -
any ideas?


Well-known member
Go down 1 heat range on your spark plug, this will allow the plug to dissipate the heat from the cylinder quicker.-Mezz


You will not hurt a sled by running it in temps warmer than it was jetted for. The extra fuel fromk the overly rich jetting will cool the piston and make up for the extra ambient air temp. You get into trouble running a sled jetted for 20 degrees if you run it -20. Cold air is more dense which makes the A/F mixture leaner as temps drop. The worst you would do running in warm weather is foul plugs. And the snow on the ground means it is probably not 70+. 40, or even 50 degrees will not hurt you, it may foul plugs if it was jetted rich to start with.


Active member
Went riding on a two up with my wife a number of years ago when it was upper 40's. No issues. Didn't ride the next day as it was in the low to mid 50's. She went shopping instead with the other wives and kids, and she came back to the cabin with a Saint Bernard.


New member
just to be sure, I have BR9s in right now so go to BR8 right?
(I am not sure if a lower # means cooler)
thanks Mezz