Where can a person rent a spot to park a trailer from Mid December to End of February


New member
Been thinking about just leaving the trailer and sleds in the UP for the winter. We go up on the first trip the week before Christmas, go back up late Jan early Feb and then take the last trip the end of February. Leaving the trailer up there would save gas for a couple of trips however I would want a secure place so the trailer and sleds don't get stolen but also don't want to have to spend a half a day hiring someone to dig out the trailer every time I go up so I can get the sleds out. Does anyone know a place in the Greenland to Houghton area that would rent a storage spot and meet my needs? What kind of cost?

Thanks in advance JD family!


Well-known member
I don't know where you ride but I rented storage spot in Bessemer on 2 a few yrs back gated they had storage big enough to hold a 3 place cant remember what it cost I split it 3 ways.
don't know if it was worth it we still had to drive a truck or excursion to pull north.
if you stay at the same place every time I would talk to the inn owner about storage,
If you stay in calumet I have rented space in town in a big garage the guy lives in the old watter works building on the lake and has a nice little cabin on the lake next to his house sweet views creek running next to it 2 queens and hide a bed not on trail but ditch or boon with in 6min


New member
We are located in Rockland and we also have space to rent. $50.00 for the entire time. Secured area at our residence and we will keep it plowed out for easy access. 906-886-2940


Active member
George at the White Fawn (www.whitefawn.com) Always allows folks to leave trailers with sleds on site if they are staying at their resort. I dont think he charges but could be wrong. Just give him a call. They have not had any thing happen to any ones stuff that I know of. It is a pretty secure location.


New member
Land O Lakes Recreation in Land O Lakes is making trailer parking available this year, and we are thinking to offer trailer and sled washing. We are the new Skidoo dealer, formerly Ramesh Motorsports. Call 906 544 2040 and ask for Tom or George, or email tom@lolrec.com. Anything we can do for sledders.....